Line | Source | Count |
1 | | - |
2 | | - |
3 | | - |
4 | | - |
5 | void qDBusReplyFill(const QDBusMessage &reply, QDBusError &error, QVariant &data) | - |
6 | { | - |
7 | error = QDBusError(reply); | - |
8 | | - |
9 | if (error.isValid()TRUE | evaluated 17 times by 3 testsEvaluated by:- tst_qdbusabstractadaptor - unknown status
- tst_qdbusabstractinterface - unknown status
- tst_qdbusreply - unknown status
| FALSE | evaluated 357 times by 154 testsEvaluated by:- tst_Gestures
- tst_ModelTest
- tst_NetworkSelfTest
- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractNetworkCache
- tst_QAbstractScrollArea
- tst_QAbstractSlider
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QAction
- tst_QActionGroup
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBackingStore
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDesktopWidget
- ...
) { | 17-357 |
10 | data = QVariant(); | - |
11 | return;executed 17 times by 3 tests: return; Executed by:- tst_qdbusabstractadaptor - unknown status
- tst_qdbusabstractinterface - unknown status
- tst_qdbusreply - unknown status
| 17 |
12 | } | - |
13 | | - |
14 | if (reply.arguments().count() >= 1TRUE | evaluated 357 times by 154 testsEvaluated by:- tst_Gestures
- tst_ModelTest
- tst_NetworkSelfTest
- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractNetworkCache
- tst_QAbstractScrollArea
- tst_QAbstractSlider
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QAction
- tst_QActionGroup
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBackingStore
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDesktopWidget
- ...
| FALSE | never evaluated |
&& reply.arguments().at(0).userType() == data.userType()TRUE | evaluated 329 times by 154 testsEvaluated by:- tst_Gestures
- tst_ModelTest
- tst_NetworkSelfTest
- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractNetworkCache
- tst_QAbstractScrollArea
- tst_QAbstractSlider
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QAction
- tst_QActionGroup
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBackingStore
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDesktopWidget
- ...
| FALSE | evaluated 28 times by 3 testsEvaluated by:- tst_qdbusabstractadaptor - unknown status
- tst_qdbusabstractinterface - unknown status
- tst_qdbusreply - unknown status
) { | 0-357 |
15 | data = reply.arguments().at(0); | - |
16 | return;executed 329 times by 154 tests: return; Executed by:- tst_Gestures
- tst_ModelTest
- tst_NetworkSelfTest
- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractNetworkCache
- tst_QAbstractScrollArea
- tst_QAbstractSlider
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QAction
- tst_QActionGroup
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBackingStore
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDesktopWidget
- ...
| 329 |
17 | } | - |
18 | | - |
19 | const char *expectedSignature = QDBusMetaType::typeToSignature(data.userType()); | - |
20 | const char *receivedType = 0; | - |
21 | QByteArray receivedSignature; | - |
22 | | - |
23 | if (reply.arguments().count() >= 1TRUE | evaluated 28 times by 3 testsEvaluated by:- tst_qdbusabstractadaptor - unknown status
- tst_qdbusabstractinterface - unknown status
- tst_qdbusreply - unknown status
| FALSE | never evaluated |
) { | 0-28 |
24 | if (reply.arguments().at(0).userType() == QDBusMetaTypeId::argument()TRUE | evaluated 20 times by 3 testsEvaluated by:- tst_qdbusabstractadaptor - unknown status
- tst_qdbusabstractinterface - unknown status
- tst_qdbusreply - unknown status
| FALSE | evaluated 8 times by 1 testEvaluated by:- tst_qdbusreply - unknown status
) { | 8-20 |
25 | | - |
26 | QDBusArgument arg = qvariant_cast<QDBusArgument>(reply.arguments().at(0)); | - |
27 | receivedSignature = arg.currentSignature().toLatin1(); | - |
28 | if (receivedSignature == expectedSignatureTRUE | evaluated 17 times by 3 testsEvaluated by:- tst_qdbusabstractadaptor - unknown status
- tst_qdbusabstractinterface - unknown status
- tst_qdbusreply - unknown status
| FALSE | evaluated 3 times by 1 testEvaluated by:- tst_qdbusreply - unknown status
) { | 3-17 |
29 | | - |
30 | QDBusMetaType::demarshall(arg, data.userType(),; | - |
31 | return;executed 17 times by 3 tests: return; Executed by:- tst_qdbusabstractadaptor - unknown status
- tst_qdbusabstractinterface - unknown status
- tst_qdbusreply - unknown status
| 17 |
32 | } | - |
33 | }executed 3 times by 1 test: end of block Executed by:- tst_qdbusreply - unknown status
else { | 3 |
34 | | - |
35 | int type = reply.arguments().at(0).userType(); | - |
36 | receivedType = QMetaType::typeName(type); | - |
37 | receivedSignature = QDBusMetaType::typeToSignature(type); | - |
38 | }executed 8 times by 1 test: end of block Executed by:- tst_qdbusreply - unknown status
| 8 |
39 | } | - |
40 | | - |
41 | | - |
42 | if (receivedSignature.isEmpty()TRUE | never evaluated | FALSE | evaluated 11 times by 1 testEvaluated by:- tst_qdbusreply - unknown status
) | 0-11 |
43 | receivedSignature = "<empty signature>"; never executed: receivedSignature = "<empty signature>"; | 0 |
44 | QString errorMsg; | - |
45 | if (receivedTypeTRUE | evaluated 8 times by 1 testEvaluated by:- tst_qdbusreply - unknown status
| FALSE | evaluated 3 times by 1 testEvaluated by:- tst_qdbusreply - unknown status
) { | 3-8 |
46 | errorMsg = QString::fromLatin1("Unexpected reply signature: got \"%1\" (%4), " | - |
47 | "expected \"%2\" (%3)") | - |
48 | .arg(QLatin1String(receivedSignature), | - |
49 | QLatin1String(expectedSignature), | - |
50 | QLatin1String(data.typeName()), | - |
51 | QLatin1String(receivedType)); | - |
52 | }executed 8 times by 1 test: end of block Executed by:- tst_qdbusreply - unknown status
else { | 8 |
53 | errorMsg = QString::fromLatin1("Unexpected reply signature: got \"%1\", " | - |
54 | "expected \"%2\" (%3)") | - |
55 | .arg(QLatin1String(receivedSignature), | - |
56 | QLatin1String(expectedSignature), | - |
57 | QLatin1String(data.typeName())); | - |
58 | }executed 3 times by 1 test: end of block Executed by:- tst_qdbusreply - unknown status
| 3 |
59 | | - |
60 | error = QDBusError(QDBusError::InvalidSignature, errorMsg); | - |
61 | data = QVariant(); | - |
62 | }executed 11 times by 1 test: end of block Executed by:- tst_qdbusreply - unknown status
| 11 |
63 | | - |
64 | | - |
| | |