Line | Source | Count |
1 | | - |
2 | | - |
3 | | - |
4 | | - |
5 | | - |
6 | | - |
7 | | - |
8 | | - |
9 | | - |
10 | | - |
11 | | - |
12 | | - |
13 | | - |
14 | | - |
15 | | - |
16 | | - |
17 | | - |
18 | | - |
19 | | - |
20 | | - |
21 | | - |
22 | | - |
23 | | - |
24 | | - |
25 | | - |
26 | | - |
27 | | - |
28 | | - |
29 | | - |
30 | | - |
31 | | - |
32 | | - |
33 | | - |
34 | | - |
35 | | - |
36 | | - |
37 | | - |
38 | | - |
39 | | - |
40 | #include "qunicodetools_p.h" | - |
41 | | - |
42 | #include "qunicodetables_p.h" | - |
43 | #include "qvarlengtharray.h" | - |
44 | | - |
45 | #include "qharfbuzz_p.h" | - |
46 | | - |
47 | #define FLAG(x) (1 << (x)) | - |
48 | | - |
50 | | - |
51 | Q_AUTOTEST_EXPORT int qt_initcharattributes_default_algorithm_only = 0; | - |
52 | | - |
53 | namespace QUnicodeTools { | - |
54 | | - |
55 | | - |
56 | | - |
57 | | - |
58 | | - |
59 | | - |
60 | | - |
61 | | - |
62 | namespace GB { | - |
63 | | - |
64 | static const uchar breakTable[QUnicodeTables::GraphemeBreak_LVT + 1][QUnicodeTables::GraphemeBreak_LVT + 1] = { | - |
65 | | - |
66 | { true , true , true , true , false, true , true , false, true , true , true , true , true }, | - |
67 | { true , true , false, true , true , true , true , true , true , true , true , true , true }, | - |
68 | { true , true , true , true , true , true , true , true , true , true , true , true , true }, | - |
69 | { true , true , true , true , true , true , true , true , true , true , true , true , true }, | - |
70 | { true , true , true , true , false, true , true , false, true , true , true , true , true }, | - |
71 | { true , true , true , true , false, false, true , false, true , true , true , true , true }, | - |
72 | { false, true , true , true , false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false }, | - |
73 | { true , true , true , true , false, true , true , false, true , true , true , true , true }, | - |
74 | { true , true , true , true , false, true , true , false, false, false, true , false, false }, | - |
75 | { true , true , true , true , false, true , true , false, true , false, false, true , true }, | - |
76 | { true , true , true , true , false, true , true , false, true , true , false, true , true }, | - |
77 | { true , true , true , true , false, true , true , false, true , false, false, true , true }, | - |
78 | { true , true , true , true , false, true , true , false, true , true , false, true , true }, | - |
79 | }; | - |
80 | | - |
81 | } | - |
82 | | - |
83 | static void getGraphemeBreaks(const ushort *string, quint32 len, QCharAttributes *attributes) | - |
84 | { | - |
85 | QUnicodeTables::GraphemeBreakClass lcls = QUnicodeTables::GraphemeBreak_LF; | - |
86 | for (quint32 i = 0; i != len; ++i) {TRUE | evaluated 5206695 times by 114 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
| FALSE | evaluated 207923 times by 114 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
| 207923-5206695 |
87 | quint32 pos = i; | - |
88 | uint ucs4 = string[i]; | - |
89 | if (QChar::isHighSurrogate(ucs4) && i + 1 != len) {TRUE | evaluated 138 times by 2 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| FALSE | evaluated 5206557 times by 114 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
TRUE | evaluated 110 times by 2 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| FALSE | evaluated 28 times by 1 test |
| 28-5206557 |
90 | ushort low = string[i + 1]; | - |
91 | if (QChar::isLowSurrogate(low)) {TRUE | evaluated 82 times by 2 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| FALSE | evaluated 28 times by 1 test |
| 28-82 |
92 | ucs4 = QChar::surrogateToUcs4(ucs4, low); | - |
93 | ++i; | - |
94 | }executed 82 times by 2 tests: end of block Executed by:- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| 82 |
95 | }executed 110 times by 2 tests: end of block Executed by:- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| 110 |
96 | | - |
97 | const QUnicodeTables::Properties *prop = QUnicodeTables::properties(ucs4); | - |
98 | QUnicodeTables::GraphemeBreakClass cls = (QUnicodeTables::GraphemeBreakClass) prop->graphemeBreakClass; | - |
99 | | - |
100 | if (Q_LIKELY(GB::breakTable[lcls][cls]))TRUE | evaluated 5206286 times by 114 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
| FALSE | evaluated 409 times by 3 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QLabel
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| 409-5206286 |
101 | attributes[pos].graphemeBoundary = true;executed 5206286 times by 114 tests: attributes[pos].graphemeBoundary = true; Executed by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
| 5206286 |
102 | | - |
103 | lcls = cls; | - |
104 | }executed 5206695 times by 114 tests: end of block Executed by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
| 5206695 |
105 | | - |
106 | attributes[len].graphemeBoundary = true; | - |
107 | }executed 207923 times by 114 tests: end of block Executed by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
| 207923 |
108 | | - |
109 | | - |
110 | namespace WB { | - |
111 | | - |
112 | enum Action { | - |
113 | NoBreak, | - |
114 | Break, | - |
115 | Lookup, | - |
116 | LookupW | - |
117 | }; | - |
118 | | - |
119 | static const uchar breakTable[QUnicodeTables::WordBreak_ExtendNumLet + 1][QUnicodeTables::WordBreak_ExtendNumLet + 1] = { | - |
120 | | - |
121 | { Break , Break , Break , Break , NoBreak, Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break }, | - |
122 | { Break , Break , NoBreak, Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break }, | - |
123 | { Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break }, | - |
124 | { Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break }, | - |
125 | { Break , Break , Break , Break , NoBreak, Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break }, | - |
126 | { Break , Break , Break , Break , NoBreak, NoBreak, Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break }, | - |
127 | { Break , Break , Break , Break , NoBreak, Break , NoBreak, Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , NoBreak }, | - |
128 | { Break , Break , Break , Break , NoBreak, Break , Break , NoBreak, NoBreak, LookupW, Lookup , LookupW, LookupW, Break , NoBreak, NoBreak }, | - |
129 | { Break , Break , Break , Break , NoBreak, Break , Break , NoBreak, NoBreak, LookupW, Break , LookupW, LookupW, Break , NoBreak, NoBreak }, | - |
130 | { Break , Break , Break , Break , NoBreak, Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break }, | - |
131 | { Break , Break , Break , Break , NoBreak, Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break }, | - |
132 | { Break , Break , Break , Break , NoBreak, Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break }, | - |
133 | { Break , Break , Break , Break , NoBreak, Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break }, | - |
134 | { Break , Break , Break , Break , NoBreak, Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break }, | - |
135 | { Break , Break , Break , Break , NoBreak, Break , Break , NoBreak, NoBreak, Lookup , Break , Lookup , Break , Lookup , NoBreak, NoBreak }, | - |
136 | { Break , Break , Break , Break , NoBreak, Break , NoBreak, NoBreak, NoBreak, Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , NoBreak, NoBreak }, | - |
137 | }; | - |
138 | | - |
139 | } | - |
140 | | - |
141 | static void getWordBreaks(const ushort *string, quint32 len, QCharAttributes *attributes) | - |
142 | { | - |
143 | enum WordType { | - |
144 | WordTypeNone, WordTypeAlphaNumeric, WordTypeHiraganaKatakana | - |
145 | } currentWordType = WordTypeNone; | - |
146 | | - |
147 | QUnicodeTables::WordBreakClass cls = QUnicodeTables::WordBreak_LF; | - |
148 | for (quint32 i = 0; i != len; ++i) {TRUE | evaluated 134912 times by 3 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| FALSE | evaluated 1553 times by 3 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| 1553-134912 |
149 | quint32 pos = i; | - |
150 | uint ucs4 = string[i]; | - |
151 | if (QChar::isHighSurrogate(ucs4) && i + 1 != len) {TRUE | evaluated 127 times by 1 test | FALSE | evaluated 134785 times by 3 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
TRUE | evaluated 127 times by 1 test | FALSE | never evaluated |
| 0-134785 |
152 | ushort low = string[i + 1]; | - |
153 | if (QChar::isLowSurrogate(low)) {TRUE | evaluated 127 times by 1 test | FALSE | never evaluated |
| 0-127 |
154 | ucs4 = QChar::surrogateToUcs4(ucs4, low); | - |
155 | ++i; | - |
156 | }executed 127 times by 1 test: end of block | 127 |
157 | }executed 127 times by 1 test: end of block | 127 |
158 | | - |
159 | const QUnicodeTables::Properties *prop = QUnicodeTables::properties(ucs4); | - |
160 | QUnicodeTables::WordBreakClass ncls = (QUnicodeTables::WordBreakClass) prop->wordBreakClass; | - |
161 | #ifdef QT_BUILD_INTERNAL | - |
162 | if (qt_initcharattributes_default_algorithm_only) {TRUE | evaluated 5127 times by 1 test | FALSE | evaluated 129785 times by 3 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| 5127-129785 |
163 | | - |
164 | | - |
165 | | - |
166 | | - |
167 | if (ucs4 == 0x002E) TRUE | evaluated 290 times by 1 test | FALSE | evaluated 4837 times by 1 test |
| 290-4837 |
168 | ncls = QUnicodeTables::WordBreak_MidNumLet;executed 290 times by 1 test: ncls = QUnicodeTables::WordBreak_MidNumLet; | 290 |
169 | else if (ucs4 == 0x003A) TRUE | evaluated 384 times by 1 test | FALSE | evaluated 4453 times by 1 test |
| 384-4453 |
170 | ncls = QUnicodeTables::WordBreak_MidLetter;executed 384 times by 1 test: ncls = QUnicodeTables::WordBreak_MidLetter; | 384 |
171 | }executed 5127 times by 1 test: end of block | 5127 |
172 | #endif | - |
173 | | - |
174 | uchar action = WB::breakTable[cls][ncls]; | - |
175 | switch (action) { | - |
176 | case WB::Break:executed 3856 times by 3 tests: case WB::Break: Executed by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| 3856 |
177 | break;executed 3856 times by 3 tests: break; Executed by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| 3856 |
178 | case WB::NoBreak:executed 130284 times by 3 tests: case WB::NoBreak: Executed by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| 130284 |
179 | if (Q_UNLIKELY(ncls == QUnicodeTables::WordBreak_Extend)) {TRUE | evaluated 1100 times by 1 test | FALSE | evaluated 129184 times by 3 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| 1100-129184 |
180 | | - |
181 | continue;executed 1100 times by 1 test: continue; | 1100 |
182 | } | - |
183 | break;executed 129184 times by 3 tests: break; Executed by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| 129184 |
184 | case WB::Lookup:executed 373 times by 1 test: case WB::Lookup: | 373 |
185 | case WB::LookupW:executed 399 times by 1 test: case WB::LookupW: | 399 |
186 | for (quint32 lookahead = i + 1; lookahead < len; ++lookahead) {TRUE | evaluated 818 times by 1 test | FALSE | evaluated 362 times by 1 test |
| 362-818 |
187 | ucs4 = string[lookahead]; | - |
188 | if (QChar::isHighSurrogate(ucs4) && lookahead + 1 != len) {TRUE | evaluated 12 times by 1 test | FALSE | evaluated 806 times by 1 test |
TRUE | evaluated 12 times by 1 test | FALSE | never evaluated |
| 0-806 |
189 | ushort low = string[lookahead + 1]; | - |
190 | if (QChar::isLowSurrogate(low)) {TRUE | evaluated 12 times by 1 test | FALSE | never evaluated |
| 0-12 |
191 | ucs4 = QChar::surrogateToUcs4(ucs4, low); | - |
192 | ++lookahead; | - |
193 | }executed 12 times by 1 test: end of block | 12 |
194 | }executed 12 times by 1 test: end of block | 12 |
195 | | - |
196 | prop = QUnicodeTables::properties(ucs4); | - |
197 | QUnicodeTables::WordBreakClass tcls = (QUnicodeTables::WordBreakClass) prop->wordBreakClass; | - |
198 | | - |
199 | if (Q_UNLIKELY(tcls == QUnicodeTables::WordBreak_Extend)) {TRUE | evaluated 408 times by 1 test | FALSE | evaluated 410 times by 1 test |
| 408-410 |
200 | | - |
201 | continue;executed 408 times by 1 test: continue; | 408 |
202 | } | - |
203 | | - |
204 | if (Q_LIKELY(tcls == cls || (action == WB::LookupW && (tcls == QUnicodeTables::WordBreak_HebrewLetterTRUE | evaluated 122 times by 1 test | FALSE | evaluated 288 times by 1 test |
| 122-288 |
205 | || tcls == QUnicodeTables::WordBreak_ALetter)))) { | - |
206 | i = lookahead; | - |
207 | ncls = tcls; | - |
208 | action = WB::NoBreak; | - |
209 | }executed 122 times by 1 test: end of block | 122 |
210 | break;executed 410 times by 1 test: break; | 410 |
211 | } | - |
212 | if (action != WB::NoBreak) {TRUE | evaluated 650 times by 1 test | FALSE | evaluated 122 times by 1 test |
| 122-650 |
213 | action = WB::Break; | - |
214 | if (Q_UNLIKELY(ncls == QUnicodeTables::WordBreak_SingleQuote && cls == QUnicodeTables::WordBreak_HebrewLetter))TRUE | evaluated 2 times by 1 test | FALSE | evaluated 648 times by 1 test |
| 2-648 |
215 | action = WB::NoBreak; executed 2 times by 1 test: action = WB::NoBreak; | 2 |
216 | }executed 650 times by 1 test: end of block | 650 |
217 | break;executed 772 times by 1 test: break; | 772 |
218 | } | - |
219 | | - |
220 | cls = ncls; | - |
221 | if (action == WB::Break) {TRUE | evaluated 4504 times by 3 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| FALSE | evaluated 129308 times by 3 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| 4504-129308 |
222 | attributes[pos].wordBreak = true; | - |
223 | if (currentWordType != WordTypeNone)TRUE | evaluated 1294 times by 3 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| FALSE | evaluated 3210 times by 3 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| 1294-3210 |
224 | attributes[pos].wordEnd = true;executed 1294 times by 3 tests: attributes[pos].wordEnd = true; Executed by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| 1294 |
225 | switch (cls) { | - |
226 | case QUnicodeTables::WordBreak_Katakana:executed 100 times by 1 test: case QUnicodeTables::WordBreak_Katakana: | 100 |
227 | currentWordType = WordTypeHiraganaKatakana; | - |
228 | attributes[pos].wordStart = true; | - |
229 | break;executed 100 times by 1 test: break; | 100 |
230 | case QUnicodeTables::WordBreak_HebrewLetter:executed 89 times by 1 test: case QUnicodeTables::WordBreak_HebrewLetter: | 89 |
231 | case QUnicodeTables::WordBreak_ALetter:executed 998 times by 3 tests: case QUnicodeTables::WordBreak_ALetter: Executed by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| 998 |
232 | case QUnicodeTables::WordBreak_Numeric:executed 564 times by 1 test: case QUnicodeTables::WordBreak_Numeric: | 564 |
233 | currentWordType = WordTypeAlphaNumeric; | - |
234 | attributes[pos].wordStart = true; | - |
235 | break;executed 1651 times by 3 tests: break; Executed by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| 1651 |
236 | default:executed 2753 times by 3 tests: default: Executed by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| 2753 |
237 | currentWordType = WordTypeNone; | - |
238 | break;executed 2753 times by 3 tests: break; Executed by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| 2753 |
239 | } | - |
240 | } | - |
241 | }executed 133812 times by 3 tests: end of block Executed by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| 133812 |
242 | | - |
243 | if (currentWordType != WordTypeNone)TRUE | evaluated 457 times by 3 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| FALSE | evaluated 1096 times by 1 test |
| 457-1096 |
244 | attributes[len].wordEnd = true;executed 457 times by 3 tests: attributes[len].wordEnd = true; Executed by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| 457 |
245 | attributes[len].wordBreak = true; | - |
246 | }executed 1553 times by 3 tests: end of block Executed by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| 1553 |
247 | | - |
248 | | - |
249 | namespace SB { | - |
250 | | - |
251 | enum State { | - |
252 | Initial, | - |
253 | Lower, | - |
254 | Upper, | - |
255 | LUATerm, | - |
256 | ATerm, | - |
257 | ATermC, | - |
258 | ACS, | - |
259 | STerm, | - |
260 | STermC, | - |
261 | SCS, | - |
262 | BAfterC, | - |
263 | BAfter, | - |
264 | Break, | - |
265 | Lookup | - |
266 | }; | - |
267 | | - |
268 | static const uchar breakTable[BAfter + 1][QUnicodeTables::SentenceBreak_Close + 1] = { | - |
269 | | - |
270 | { Initial, BAfterC, BAfter , BAfter , Initial, Initial, Lower , Upper , Initial, Initial, ATerm , Initial, STerm , Initial }, | - |
271 | { Initial, BAfterC, BAfter , BAfter , Lower , Initial, Initial, Initial, Initial, Initial, LUATerm, Initial, STerm , Initial }, | - |
272 | { Initial, BAfterC, BAfter , BAfter , Upper , Initial, Initial, Upper , Initial, Initial, LUATerm, STerm , STerm , Initial }, | - |
273 | | - |
274 | { Lookup , BAfterC, BAfter , BAfter , LUATerm, ACS , Initial, Upper , Break , Initial, ATerm , STerm , STerm , ATermC }, | - |
275 | { Lookup , BAfterC, BAfter , BAfter , ATerm , ACS , Initial, Break , Break , Initial, ATerm , STerm , STerm , ATermC }, | - |
276 | { Lookup , BAfterC, BAfter , BAfter , ATermC , ACS , Initial, Break , Break , Lookup , ATerm , STerm , STerm , ATermC }, | - |
277 | { Lookup , BAfterC, BAfter , BAfter , ACS , ACS , Initial, Break , Break , Lookup , ATerm , STerm , STerm , Lookup }, | - |
278 | | - |
279 | { Break , BAfterC, BAfter , BAfter , STerm , SCS , Break , Break , Break , Break , ATerm , STerm , STerm , STermC }, | - |
280 | { Break , BAfterC, BAfter , BAfter , STermC , SCS , Break , Break , Break , Break , ATerm , STerm , STerm , STermC }, | - |
281 | { Break , BAfterC, BAfter , BAfter , SCS , SCS , Break , Break , Break , Break , ATerm , STerm , STerm , Break }, | - |
282 | { Break , Break , BAfter , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break }, | - |
283 | { Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break , Break }, | - |
284 | }; | - |
285 | | - |
286 | } | - |
287 | | - |
288 | static void getSentenceBreaks(const ushort *string, quint32 len, QCharAttributes *attributes) | - |
289 | { | - |
290 | uchar state = SB::BAfter; | - |
291 | for (quint32 i = 0; i != len; ++i) {TRUE | evaluated 2339 times by 2 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
| FALSE | evaluated 521 times by 2 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
| 521-2339 |
292 | quint32 pos = i; | - |
293 | uint ucs4 = string[i]; | - |
294 | if (QChar::isHighSurrogate(ucs4) && i + 1 != len) {TRUE | evaluated 9 times by 1 test | FALSE | evaluated 2330 times by 2 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
TRUE | evaluated 9 times by 1 test | FALSE | never evaluated |
| 0-2330 |
295 | ushort low = string[i + 1]; | - |
296 | if (QChar::isLowSurrogate(low)) {TRUE | evaluated 9 times by 1 test | FALSE | never evaluated |
| 0-9 |
297 | ucs4 = QChar::surrogateToUcs4(ucs4, low); | - |
298 | ++i; | - |
299 | }executed 9 times by 1 test: end of block | 9 |
300 | }executed 9 times by 1 test: end of block | 9 |
301 | | - |
302 | const QUnicodeTables::Properties *prop = QUnicodeTables::properties(ucs4); | - |
303 | QUnicodeTables::SentenceBreakClass ncls = (QUnicodeTables::SentenceBreakClass) prop->sentenceBreakClass; | - |
304 | | - |
305 | Q_ASSERT(state <= SB::BAfter); | - |
306 | state = SB::breakTable[state][ncls]; | - |
307 | if (Q_UNLIKELY(state == SB::Lookup)) { TRUE | evaluated 8 times by 1 test | FALSE | evaluated 2331 times by 2 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
| 8-2331 |
308 | state = SB::Break; | - |
309 | for (quint32 lookahead = i + 1; lookahead < len; ++lookahead) {TRUE | evaluated 15 times by 1 test | FALSE | evaluated 2 times by 1 test |
| 2-15 |
310 | ucs4 = string[lookahead]; | - |
311 | if (QChar::isHighSurrogate(ucs4) && lookahead + 1 != len) {TRUE | never evaluated | FALSE | evaluated 15 times by 1 test |
TRUE | never evaluated | FALSE | never evaluated |
| 0-15 |
312 | ushort low = string[lookahead + 1]; | - |
313 | if (QChar::isLowSurrogate(low)) {TRUE | never evaluated | FALSE | never evaluated |
| 0 |
314 | ucs4 = QChar::surrogateToUcs4(ucs4, low); | - |
315 | ++lookahead; | - |
316 | } never executed: end of block | 0 |
317 | } never executed: end of block | 0 |
318 | | - |
319 | prop = QUnicodeTables::properties(ucs4); | - |
320 | QUnicodeTables::SentenceBreakClass tcls = (QUnicodeTables::SentenceBreakClass) prop->sentenceBreakClass; | - |
321 | switch (tcls) { | - |
322 | case QUnicodeTables::SentenceBreak_Other: never executed: case QUnicodeTables::SentenceBreak_Other: | 0 |
323 | case QUnicodeTables::SentenceBreak_Extend:executed 5 times by 1 test: case QUnicodeTables::SentenceBreak_Extend: | 5 |
324 | case QUnicodeTables::SentenceBreak_Sp: never executed: case QUnicodeTables::SentenceBreak_Sp: | 0 |
325 | case QUnicodeTables::SentenceBreak_Numeric: never executed: case QUnicodeTables::SentenceBreak_Numeric: | 0 |
326 | case QUnicodeTables::SentenceBreak_SContinue: never executed: case QUnicodeTables::SentenceBreak_SContinue: | 0 |
327 | case QUnicodeTables::SentenceBreak_Close:executed 4 times by 1 test: case QUnicodeTables::SentenceBreak_Close: | 4 |
328 | continue;executed 9 times by 1 test: continue; | 9 |
329 | case QUnicodeTables::SentenceBreak_Lower:executed 2 times by 1 test: case QUnicodeTables::SentenceBreak_Lower: | 2 |
330 | i = lookahead; | - |
331 | state = SB::Initial; | - |
332 | break;executed 2 times by 1 test: break; | 2 |
333 | default:executed 4 times by 1 test: default: | 4 |
334 | break;executed 4 times by 1 test: break; | 4 |
335 | } | - |
336 | break;executed 6 times by 1 test: break; | 6 |
337 | } | - |
338 | }executed 8 times by 1 test: end of block | 8 |
339 | if (Q_UNLIKELY(state == SB::Break)) {TRUE | evaluated 672 times by 2 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
| FALSE | evaluated 1667 times by 2 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
| 672-1667 |
340 | attributes[pos].sentenceBoundary = true; | - |
341 | state = SB::breakTable[SB::Initial][ncls]; | - |
342 | }executed 672 times by 2 tests: end of block Executed by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
| 672 |
343 | }executed 2339 times by 2 tests: end of block Executed by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
| 2339 |
344 | | - |
345 | attributes[len].sentenceBoundary = true; | - |
346 | }executed 521 times by 2 tests: end of block Executed by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
| 521 |
347 | | - |
348 | | - |
349 | | - |
350 | | - |
351 | | - |
352 | | - |
353 | | - |
354 | | - |
355 | | - |
356 | namespace LB { | - |
357 | | - |
358 | namespace NS { | - |
359 | | - |
360 | | - |
361 | | - |
362 | | - |
363 | | - |
364 | enum Action { | - |
365 | None, | - |
366 | Start, | - |
367 | Continue, | - |
368 | Break | - |
369 | }; | - |
370 | | - |
371 | enum Class { | - |
372 | XX, | - |
373 | PRPO, | - |
374 | OPHY, | - |
375 | NU, | - |
376 | SYIS, | - |
377 | CLCP | - |
378 | }; | - |
379 | | - |
380 | static const uchar actionTable[CLCP + 1][CLCP + 1] = { | - |
381 | | - |
382 | { None , Start , Start , Start , None , None }, | - |
383 | { None , Start , Continue, Continue, None , None }, | - |
384 | { None , Start , Start , Continue, None , None }, | - |
385 | { Break , Break , Break , Continue, Continue, Continue }, | - |
386 | { Break , Break , Break , Continue, Continue, Continue }, | - |
387 | { Break , Continue, Break , Break , Break , Break }, | - |
388 | }; | - |
389 | | - |
390 | inline Class toClass(QUnicodeTables::LineBreakClass lbc, QChar::Category category) | - |
391 | { | - |
392 | switch (lbc) { | - |
393 | case QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_AL:executed 3461344 times by 109 tests: case QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_AL: Executed by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- ...
| 3461344 |
394 | | - |
395 | if (category == QChar::Symbol_Math)TRUE | evaluated 2604 times by 13 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QInputDialog
- tst_QItemDelegate
- tst_QLineEdit
- tst_QPlainTextEdit
- tst_QPrinter
- tst_QShortcut
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextCursor
- tst_QTextEdit
- tst_QTextLayout
- tst_QTreeView
- tst_QWizard
| FALSE | evaluated 3458740 times by 109 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- ...
| 2604-3458740 |
396 | return SYIS;executed 2604 times by 13 tests: return SYIS; Executed by:- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QInputDialog
- tst_QItemDelegate
- tst_QLineEdit
- tst_QPlainTextEdit
- tst_QPrinter
- tst_QShortcut
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextCursor
- tst_QTextEdit
- tst_QTextLayout
- tst_QTreeView
- tst_QWizard
| 2604 |
397 | break;executed 3458740 times by 109 tests: break; Executed by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- ...
| 3458740 |
398 | case QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_PR: case QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_PO:executed 4431 times by 23 tests: case QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_PR: Executed by:- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- tst_QInputDialog
- tst_QKeySequenceEdit
- tst_QLabel
- tst_QLineEdit
- tst_QMdiSubWindow
- tst_QMenuBar
- tst_QMessageBox
- tst_QPushButton
- tst_QShortcut
- tst_QSpinBox
- tst_QStackedLayout
- tst_QStyleSheetStyle
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextCursor
- tst_QTextEdit
- tst_QTextLayout
executed 477 times by 8 tests: case QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_PO: Executed by:- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QInputDialog
- tst_QLineEdit
- tst_QNetworkAccessManager_And_QProgressDialog
- tst_QPrinter
- tst_QProgressBar
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| 477-4431 |
399 | return PRPO;executed 4908 times by 26 tests: return PRPO; Executed by:- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- tst_QInputDialog
- tst_QKeySequenceEdit
- tst_QLabel
- tst_QLineEdit
- tst_QMdiSubWindow
- tst_QMenuBar
- tst_QMessageBox
- tst_QNetworkAccessManager_And_QProgressDialog
- tst_QPrinter
- tst_QProgressBar
- tst_QPushButton
- tst_QShortcut
- tst_QSpinBox
- tst_QStackedLayout
- tst_QStyleSheetStyle
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextCursor
- tst_QTextEdit
- ...
| 4908 |
400 | case QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_OP: case QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_HY:executed 7892 times by 26 tests: case QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_OP: Executed by:- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFiledialog
- tst_QGraphicsView
- tst_QGridLayout
- tst_QHeaderView
- tst_QInputDialog
- tst_QItemDelegate
- tst_QLineEdit
- tst_QListView
- tst_QListWidget
- tst_QMdiArea
- tst_QMessageBox
- tst_QPlainTextEdit
- tst_QPrinter
- tst_QProgressBar
- tst_QTableView
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextCursor
- tst_QTextEdit
- tst_QTextLayout
- tst_QTextScriptEngine
- tst_QTreeView
- tst_QTreeWidget
- ...
executed 75165 times by 33 tests: case QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_HY: Executed by:- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- tst_QGraphicsItem
- tst_QGraphicsProxyWidget
- tst_QGraphicsView
- tst_QGridLayout
- tst_QGroupBox
- tst_QInputDialog
- tst_QItemDelegate
- tst_QLineEdit
- tst_QMdiArea
- tst_QMenu
- tst_QMessageBox
- tst_QPlainTextEdit
- tst_QSpinBox
- tst_QStackedLayout
- tst_QStandardItemModel
- ...
| 7892-75165 |
401 | return OPHY;executed 83057 times by 41 tests: return OPHY; Executed by:- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- tst_QGraphicsItem
- tst_QGraphicsProxyWidget
- tst_QGraphicsView
- tst_QGridLayout
- tst_QGroupBox
- tst_QHeaderView
- tst_QInputDialog
- tst_QItemDelegate
- tst_QLineEdit
- tst_QListView
- tst_QListWidget
- tst_QMdiArea
- tst_QMenu
- tst_QMessageBox
- tst_QPlainTextEdit
- ...
| 83057 |
402 | case QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_NU:executed 990330 times by 75 tests: case QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_NU: Executed by:- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- tst_QFontComboBox
- tst_QFontDatabase
- tst_QFontDialog
- tst_QFontMetrics
- tst_QGlyphRun
- ...
| 990330 |
403 | return NU;executed 990330 times by 75 tests: return NU; Executed by:- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- tst_QFontComboBox
- tst_QFontDatabase
- tst_QFontDialog
- tst_QFontMetrics
- tst_QGlyphRun
- ...
| 990330 |
404 | case QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_SY: case QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_IS:executed 91544 times by 24 tests: case QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_SY: Executed by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- tst_QGraphicsProxyWidget
- tst_QInputDialog
- tst_QItemDelegate
- tst_QLineEdit
- tst_QListView
- tst_QMessageBox
- tst_QPlainTextEdit
- tst_QPrinter
- tst_QSidebar
- tst_QSortFilterProxyModel
- tst_QStandardItemModel
- tst_QStyleSheetStyle
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
- tst_QTreeView
- tst_languageChange
executed 139841 times by 47 tests: case QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_IS: Executed by:- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- tst_QFormLayout
- tst_QGraphicsItem
- tst_QGraphicsProxyWidget
- tst_QGraphicsView
- tst_QGridLayout
- tst_QHeaderView
- tst_QInputDialog
- tst_QItemDelegate
- tst_QKeySequenceEdit
- tst_QLabel
- tst_QLineEdit
- tst_QListView
- ...
| 91544-139841 |
405 | return SYIS;executed 231385 times by 51 tests: return SYIS; Executed by:- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- tst_QFormLayout
- tst_QGraphicsItem
- tst_QGraphicsProxyWidget
- tst_QGraphicsView
- tst_QGridLayout
- tst_QHeaderView
- tst_QInputDialog
- tst_QItemDelegate
- tst_QKeySequenceEdit
- tst_QLabel
- tst_QLineEdit
- tst_QListView
- ...
| 231385 |
406 | case QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_CL: case QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_CP:executed 472 times by 9 tests: case QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_CL: Executed by:- tst_QInputDialog
- tst_QItemDelegate
- tst_QLabel
- tst_QLineEdit
- tst_QPlainTextEdit
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextEdit
- tst_QTextLayout
- tst_QTextScriptEngine
executed 7483 times by 24 tests: case QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_CP: Executed by:- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFiledialog
- tst_QGridLayout
- tst_QHeaderView
- tst_QInputDialog
- tst_QLineEdit
- tst_QListView
- tst_QListWidget
- tst_QMdiArea
- tst_QMessageBox
- tst_QPlainTextEdit
- tst_QPrinter
- tst_QProgressBar
- tst_QTableView
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextCursor
- tst_QTextEdit
- tst_QTextLayout
- tst_QTextScriptEngine
- tst_QTreeView
- tst_QTreeWidget
- tst_languageChange
| 472-7483 |
407 | return CLCP;executed 7955 times by 26 tests: return CLCP; Executed by:- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFiledialog
- tst_QGridLayout
- tst_QHeaderView
- tst_QInputDialog
- tst_QItemDelegate
- tst_QLabel
- tst_QLineEdit
- tst_QListView
- tst_QListWidget
- tst_QMdiArea
- tst_QMessageBox
- tst_QPlainTextEdit
- tst_QPrinter
- tst_QProgressBar
- tst_QTableView
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextCursor
- tst_QTextEdit
- tst_QTextLayout
- tst_QTextScriptEngine
- tst_QTreeView
- tst_QTreeWidget
- ...
| 7955 |
408 | default:executed 443334 times by 87 tests: default: Executed by:- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- tst_QFontComboBox
- tst_QFontDatabase
- tst_QFontDialog
- tst_QFontMetrics
- ...
| 443334 |
409 | break;executed 443334 times by 87 tests: break; Executed by:- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- tst_QFontComboBox
- tst_QFontDatabase
- tst_QFontDialog
- tst_QFontMetrics
- ...
| 443334 |
410 | } | - |
411 | return XX;executed 3902074 times by 110 tests: return XX; Executed by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- ...
| 3902074 |
412 | } | - |
413 | | - |
414 | } | - |
415 | | - |
416 | | - |
417 | | - |
418 | | - |
419 | | - |
420 | | - |
421 | | - |
422 | | - |
423 | | - |
424 | | - |
425 | | - |
426 | | - |
427 | | - |
428 | | - |
429 | | - |
430 | | - |
431 | | - |
432 | | - |
433 | | - |
434 | | - |
435 | enum Action { | - |
436 | ProhibitedBreak, PB = ProhibitedBreak, | - |
437 | DirectBreak, DB = DirectBreak, | - |
438 | IndirectBreak, IB = IndirectBreak, | - |
439 | CombiningIndirectBreak, CI = CombiningIndirectBreak, | - |
440 | CombiningProhibitedBreak, CP = CombiningProhibitedBreak, | - |
441 | ProhibitedBreakAfterHebrewPlusHyphen, HH = ProhibitedBreakAfterHebrewPlusHyphen | - |
442 | }; | - |
443 | | - |
444 | static const uchar breakTable[QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_CB + 1][QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_CB + 1] = { | - |
445 | | - |
446 | { PB, PB, PB, PB, PB, PB, PB, PB, PB, PB, PB, PB, PB, PB, PB, PB, PB, PB, PB, PB, PB, CP, PB, PB, PB, PB, PB, PB, PB, PB }, | - |
447 | { DB, PB, PB, IB, IB, PB, PB, PB, PB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, IB, IB, DB, DB, PB, CI, PB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB }, | - |
448 | { DB, PB, PB, IB, IB, PB, PB, PB, PB, DB, DB, IB, IB, IB, DB, DB, IB, IB, DB, DB, PB, CI, PB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB }, | - |
449 | { PB, PB, PB, IB, IB, IB, PB, PB, PB, IB, IB, IB, IB, IB, IB, IB, IB, IB, IB, IB, PB, CI, PB, IB, IB, IB, IB, IB, IB, IB }, | - |
450 | { IB, PB, PB, IB, IB, IB, PB, PB, PB, IB, IB, IB, IB, IB, IB, IB, IB, IB, IB, IB, PB, CI, PB, IB, IB, IB, IB, IB, IB, IB }, | - |
451 | { DB, PB, PB, IB, IB, IB, PB, PB, PB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, IB, IB, DB, DB, PB, CI, PB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB }, | - |
452 | { DB, PB, PB, IB, IB, IB, PB, PB, PB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, IB, IB, IB, DB, DB, PB, CI, PB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB }, | - |
453 | { DB, PB, PB, IB, IB, IB, PB, PB, PB, DB, DB, DB, DB, IB, DB, DB, IB, IB, DB, DB, PB, CI, PB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB }, | - |
454 | { DB, PB, PB, IB, IB, IB, PB, PB, PB, DB, DB, DB, IB, IB, DB, DB, IB, IB, DB, DB, PB, CI, PB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB }, | - |
455 | { DB, PB, PB, IB, IB, IB, PB, PB, PB, DB, DB, IB, IB, IB, IB, DB, IB, IB, DB, DB, PB, CI, PB, IB, IB, IB, IB, IB, DB, DB }, | - |
456 | { DB, PB, PB, IB, IB, IB, PB, PB, PB, DB, DB, IB, IB, IB, DB, DB, IB, IB, DB, DB, PB, CI, PB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB }, | - |
457 | { IB, PB, PB, IB, IB, IB, PB, PB, PB, IB, IB, IB, IB, IB, DB, IB, IB, IB, DB, DB, PB, CI, PB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB }, | - |
458 | { IB, PB, PB, IB, IB, IB, PB, PB, PB, DB, DB, IB, IB, IB, DB, IB, IB, IB, DB, DB, PB, CI, PB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB }, | - |
459 | { IB, PB, PB, IB, IB, IB, PB, PB, PB, DB, DB, IB, IB, IB, DB, IB, CI, CI, DB, DB, PB, CI, PB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB }, | - |
460 | { DB, PB, PB, IB, IB, IB, PB, PB, PB, DB, IB, DB, DB, DB, DB, IB, IB, IB, DB, DB, PB, CI, PB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB }, | - |
461 | { DB, PB, PB, IB, IB, IB, PB, PB, PB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, IB, IB, IB, DB, DB, PB, CI, PB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB }, | - |
462 | { HH, PB, PB, IB, HH, IB, PB, PB, PB, HH, HH, IB, HH, HH, HH, HH, IB, IB, HH, HH, PB, CI, PB, HH, HH, HH, HH, HH, HH, DB }, | - |
463 | { HH, PB, PB, IB, HH, IB, PB, PB, PB, HH, HH, HH, HH, HH, HH, HH, IB, IB, HH, HH, PB, CI, PB, HH, HH, HH, HH, HH, HH, DB }, | - |
464 | { IB, PB, PB, IB, IB, IB, PB, PB, PB, IB, IB, IB, IB, IB, IB, IB, IB, IB, IB, IB, PB, CI, PB, IB, IB, IB, IB, IB, IB, DB }, | - |
465 | { DB, PB, PB, IB, IB, IB, PB, PB, PB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, IB, IB, DB, PB, PB, CI, PB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB }, | - |
466 | { DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, PB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB }, | - |
467 | { IB, PB, PB, IB, IB, IB, PB, PB, PB, DB, DB, IB, IB, IB, DB, IB, IB, IB, DB, DB, PB, CI, PB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB }, | - |
468 | { IB, PB, PB, IB, IB, IB, PB, PB, PB, IB, IB, IB, IB, IB, IB, IB, IB, IB, IB, IB, PB, CI, PB, IB, IB, IB, IB, IB, IB, IB }, | - |
469 | { DB, PB, PB, IB, IB, IB, PB, PB, PB, DB, IB, DB, DB, DB, DB, IB, IB, IB, DB, DB, PB, CI, PB, DB, DB, DB, IB, IB, DB, DB }, | - |
470 | { DB, PB, PB, IB, IB, IB, PB, PB, PB, DB, IB, DB, DB, DB, DB, IB, IB, IB, DB, DB, PB, CI, PB, DB, DB, DB, DB, IB, DB, DB }, | - |
471 | { DB, PB, PB, IB, IB, IB, PB, PB, PB, DB, IB, DB, DB, DB, DB, IB, IB, IB, DB, DB, PB, CI, PB, IB, IB, IB, IB, DB, DB, DB }, | - |
472 | { DB, PB, PB, IB, IB, IB, PB, PB, PB, DB, IB, DB, DB, DB, DB, IB, IB, IB, DB, DB, PB, CI, PB, DB, DB, DB, IB, IB, DB, DB }, | - |
473 | { DB, PB, PB, IB, IB, IB, PB, PB, PB, DB, IB, DB, DB, DB, DB, IB, IB, IB, DB, DB, PB, CI, PB, DB, DB, DB, DB, IB, DB, DB }, | - |
474 | { DB, PB, PB, IB, IB, IB, PB, PB, PB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, IB, IB, DB, DB, PB, CI, PB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, IB, DB }, | - |
475 | { DB, PB, PB, IB, IB, DB, PB, PB, PB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, PB, CI, PB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB, DB } | - |
476 | }; | - |
477 | | - |
478 | | - |
479 | | - |
480 | | - |
481 | | - |
482 | } | - |
483 | | - |
484 | static void getLineBreaks(const ushort *string, quint32 len, QCharAttributes *attributes) | - |
485 | { | - |
486 | quint32 nestart = 0; | - |
487 | LB::NS::Class nelast = LB::NS::XX; | - |
488 | | - |
489 | QUnicodeTables::LineBreakClass lcls = QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_LF; | - |
490 | QUnicodeTables::LineBreakClass cls = lcls; | - |
491 | for (quint32 i = 0; i != len; ++i) {TRUE | evaluated 5225275 times by 114 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
| FALSE | evaluated 213827 times by 114 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
| 213827-5225275 |
492 | quint32 pos = i; | - |
493 | uint ucs4 = string[i]; | - |
494 | if (QChar::isHighSurrogate(ucs4) && i + 1 != len) {TRUE | evaluated 650 times by 2 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| FALSE | evaluated 5224625 times by 114 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
TRUE | evaluated 650 times by 2 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| FALSE | never evaluated |
| 0-5224625 |
495 | ushort low = string[i + 1]; | - |
496 | if (QChar::isLowSurrogate(low)) {TRUE | evaluated 650 times by 2 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| FALSE | never evaluated |
| 0-650 |
497 | ucs4 = QChar::surrogateToUcs4(ucs4, low); | - |
498 | ++i; | - |
499 | }executed 650 times by 2 tests: end of block Executed by:- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| 650 |
500 | }executed 650 times by 2 tests: end of block Executed by:- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| 650 |
501 | | - |
502 | const QUnicodeTables::Properties *prop = QUnicodeTables::properties(ucs4); | - |
503 | QUnicodeTables::LineBreakClass ncls = (QUnicodeTables::LineBreakClass) prop->lineBreakClass; | - |
504 | | - |
505 | if (Q_UNLIKELY(ncls == QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_SA)) {TRUE | evaluated 1374 times by 3 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QLabel
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| FALSE | evaluated 5223901 times by 114 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
| 1374-5223901 |
506 | | - |
507 | static const int test = FLAG(QChar::Mark_NonSpacing) | FLAG(QChar::Mark_SpacingCombining); | - |
508 | if (FLAG(prop->category) & test)TRUE | evaluated 190 times by 2 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QLabel
- tst_QTextLayout
| FALSE | evaluated 1184 times by 3 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QLabel
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| 190-1184 |
509 | ncls = QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_CM;executed 190 times by 2 tests: ncls = QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_CM; Executed by:- tst_QLabel
- tst_QTextLayout
| 190 |
510 | }executed 1374 times by 3 tests: end of block Executed by:- tst_QLabel
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| 1374 |
511 | if (Q_UNLIKELY(ncls == QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_CM)) {TRUE | evaluated 3747 times by 4 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QLabel
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| FALSE | evaluated 5221528 times by 114 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
| 3747-5221528 |
512 | | - |
513 | if (lcls == QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_ZW || lcls >= QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_SP)TRUE | evaluated 79 times by 1 test | FALSE | evaluated 3668 times by 4 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QLabel
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
TRUE | evaluated 706 times by 2 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
| FALSE | evaluated 2962 times by 4 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QLabel
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| 79-3668 |
514 | ncls = QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_AL;executed 785 times by 2 tests: ncls = QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_AL; Executed by:- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
| 785 |
515 | }executed 3747 times by 4 tests: end of block Executed by:- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QLabel
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| 3747 |
516 | | - |
517 | if (Q_LIKELY(ncls != QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_CM)) {TRUE | evaluated 5222313 times by 114 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
| FALSE | evaluated 2962 times by 4 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QLabel
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| 2962-5222313 |
518 | | - |
519 | LB::NS::Class necur = LB::NS::toClass(ncls, (QChar::Category)prop->category); | - |
520 | switch (LB::NS::actionTable[nelast][necur]) { | - |
521 | case LB::NS::Break:executed 149502 times by 47 tests: case LB::NS::Break: Executed by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- tst_QFontComboBox
- tst_QFontDatabase
- tst_QFontDialog
- tst_QGlyphRun
- tst_QGraphicsItem
- tst_QGraphicsProxyWidget
- tst_QGraphicsView
- tst_QGridLayout
- tst_QGroupBox
- tst_QHeaderView
- tst_QInputDialog
- tst_QItemDelegate
- tst_QItemView
- ...
| 149502 |
522 | | - |
523 | for (quint32 j = nestart + 1; j < pos; ++j)TRUE | evaluated 134928 times by 36 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- tst_QFontComboBox
- tst_QFontDialog
- tst_QGraphicsItem
- tst_QGraphicsProxyWidget
- tst_QGraphicsView
- tst_QGridLayout
- tst_QGroupBox
- tst_QHeaderView
- tst_QInputDialog
- tst_QItemDelegate
- tst_QItemView
- tst_QLineEdit
- tst_QMessageBox
- tst_QNetworkAccessManager_And_QProgressDialog
- tst_QPlainTextEdit
- tst_QPrinter
- ...
| FALSE | evaluated 149502 times by 47 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- tst_QFontComboBox
- tst_QFontDatabase
- tst_QFontDialog
- tst_QGlyphRun
- tst_QGraphicsItem
- tst_QGraphicsProxyWidget
- tst_QGraphicsView
- tst_QGridLayout
- tst_QGroupBox
- tst_QHeaderView
- tst_QInputDialog
- tst_QItemDelegate
- tst_QItemView
- ...
| 134928-149502 |
524 | attributes[j].lineBreak = false;executed 134928 times by 36 tests: attributes[j].lineBreak = false; Executed by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- tst_QFontComboBox
- tst_QFontDialog
- tst_QGraphicsItem
- tst_QGraphicsProxyWidget
- tst_QGraphicsView
- tst_QGridLayout
- tst_QGroupBox
- tst_QHeaderView
- tst_QInputDialog
- tst_QItemDelegate
- tst_QItemView
- tst_QLineEdit
- tst_QMessageBox
- tst_QNetworkAccessManager_And_QProgressDialog
- tst_QPlainTextEdit
- tst_QPrinter
- ...
| 134928 |
525 | | - |
526 | case LB::NS::None:code before this statement executed 149502 times by 47 tests: case LB::NS::None: Executed by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- tst_QFontComboBox
- tst_QFontDatabase
- tst_QFontDialog
- tst_QGlyphRun
- tst_QGraphicsItem
- tst_QGraphicsProxyWidget
- tst_QGraphicsView
- tst_QGridLayout
- tst_QGroupBox
- tst_QHeaderView
- tst_QInputDialog
- tst_QItemDelegate
- tst_QItemView
- ...
executed 3947139 times by 109 tests: case LB::NS::None: Executed by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- ...
| 149502-3947139 |
527 | nelast = LB::NS::XX; | - |
528 | break;executed 4096641 times by 111 tests: break; Executed by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- ...
| 4096641 |
529 | case LB::NS::Start:executed 373172 times by 80 tests: case LB::NS::Start: Executed by:- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- tst_QFontComboBox
- tst_QFontDatabase
- tst_QFontDialog
- tst_QFontMetrics
- ...
| 373172 |
530 | nestart = i; | - |
531 | | - |
532 | default:code before this statement executed 373172 times by 80 tests: default: Executed by:- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- tst_QFontComboBox
- tst_QFontDatabase
- tst_QFontDialog
- tst_QFontMetrics
- ...
executed 752500 times by 53 tests: default: Executed by:- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- tst_QFontComboBox
- tst_QFontDialog
- tst_QGraphicsItem
- tst_QGraphicsProxyWidget
- tst_QGraphicsView
- tst_QGridLayout
- tst_QGroupBox
- tst_QHeaderView
- tst_QInputDialog
- tst_QItemDelegate
- tst_QItemModel
- tst_QItemView
- ...
| 373172-752500 |
533 | nelast = necur; | - |
534 | break;executed 1125672 times by 80 tests: break; Executed by:- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- tst_QFontComboBox
- tst_QFontDatabase
- tst_QFontDialog
- tst_QFontMetrics
- ...
| 1125672 |
535 | } | - |
536 | } | - |
537 | | - |
538 | if (Q_UNLIKELY(lcls >= QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_CR)) {TRUE | evaluated 223542 times by 114 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
| FALSE | evaluated 5001733 times by 113 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- ...
| 223542-5001733 |
539 | | - |
540 | if (lcls > QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_CR || ncls != QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_LF)TRUE | evaluated 223378 times by 114 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
| FALSE | evaluated 164 times by 1 test |
TRUE | evaluated 159 times by 1 test | FALSE | evaluated 5 times by 1 test |
| 5-223378 |
541 | attributes[pos].lineBreak = attributes[pos].mandatoryBreak = true;executed 223537 times by 114 tests: attributes[pos].lineBreak = attributes[pos].mandatoryBreak = true; Executed by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
| 223537 |
542 | goto next;executed 223542 times by 114 tests: goto next; Executed by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
| 223542 |
543 | } | - |
544 | | - |
545 | if (Q_UNLIKELY(ncls >= QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_SP)) {TRUE | evaluated 429241 times by 84 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- tst_QFontComboBox
- tst_QFontDialog
- tst_QFontMetrics
- tst_QFormLayout
- ...
| FALSE | evaluated 4572492 times by 113 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- ...
| 429241-4572492 |
546 | if (ncls > QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_SP)TRUE | evaluated 9788 times by 14 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QItemDelegate
- tst_QListView
- tst_QPlainTextEdit
- tst_QStackedLayout
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextCursor
- tst_QTextDocument
- tst_QTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QTextEdit
- tst_QTextLayout
- tst_QWizard
| FALSE | evaluated 419453 times by 84 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- tst_QFontComboBox
- tst_QFontDialog
- tst_QFontMetrics
- tst_QFormLayout
- ...
| 9788-419453 |
547 | goto next; executed 9788 times by 14 tests: goto next; Executed by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QItemDelegate
- tst_QListView
- tst_QPlainTextEdit
- tst_QStackedLayout
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextCursor
- tst_QTextDocument
- tst_QTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QTextEdit
- tst_QTextLayout
- tst_QWizard
| 9788 |
548 | goto next_no_cls_update; executed 419453 times by 84 tests: goto next_no_cls_update; Executed by:- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- tst_QFontComboBox
- tst_QFontDialog
- tst_QFontMetrics
- tst_QFormLayout
- ...
| 419453 |
549 | } | - |
550 | | - |
551 | | - |
552 | | - |
553 | if (Q_UNLIKELY(cls >= QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_SA))TRUE | evaluated 1350 times by 11 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QGraphicsItem
- tst_QInputDialog
- tst_QLabel
- tst_QLineEdit
- tst_QPlainTextEdit
- tst_QSyntaxHighlighter
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextCursor
- tst_QTextLayout
- tst_QWizard
| FALSE | evaluated 4571142 times by 113 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- ...
| 1350-4571142 |
554 | cls = QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_AL;executed 1350 times by 11 tests: cls = QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_AL; Executed by:- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QGraphicsItem
- tst_QInputDialog
- tst_QLabel
- tst_QLineEdit
- tst_QPlainTextEdit
- tst_QSyntaxHighlighter
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextCursor
- tst_QTextLayout
- tst_QWizard
| 1350 |
555 | | - |
556 | switch (LB::breakTable[cls][ncls < QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_SA ? ncls : QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_AL]) { | - |
557 | case LB::DirectBreak:executed 84719 times by 43 tests: case LB::DirectBreak: Executed by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- tst_QGlyphRun
- tst_QGraphicsProxyWidget
- tst_QGraphicsView
- tst_QGridLayout
- tst_QHeaderView
- tst_QInputDialog
- tst_QItemDelegate
- tst_QKeySequenceEdit
- tst_QLabel
- tst_QLineEdit
- tst_QListView
- tst_QMdiSubWindow
- tst_QMenuBar
- tst_QMessageBox
- tst_QPlainTextEdit
- ...
| 84719 |
558 | attributes[pos].lineBreak = true; | - |
559 | break;executed 84719 times by 43 tests: break; Executed by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- tst_QGlyphRun
- tst_QGraphicsProxyWidget
- tst_QGraphicsView
- tst_QGridLayout
- tst_QHeaderView
- tst_QInputDialog
- tst_QItemDelegate
- tst_QKeySequenceEdit
- tst_QLabel
- tst_QLineEdit
- tst_QListView
- tst_QMdiSubWindow
- tst_QMenuBar
- tst_QMessageBox
- tst_QPlainTextEdit
- ...
| 84719 |
560 | case LB::IndirectBreak:executed 4173176 times by 112 tests: case LB::IndirectBreak: Executed by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- ...
| 4173176 |
561 | if (lcls == QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_SP)TRUE | evaluated 411372 times by 82 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- tst_QFontComboBox
- tst_QFontDialog
- tst_QFontMetrics
- tst_QFormLayout
- ...
| FALSE | evaluated 3761804 times by 112 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- ...
| 411372-3761804 |
562 | attributes[pos].lineBreak = true;executed 411372 times by 82 tests: attributes[pos].lineBreak = true; Executed by:- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- tst_QFontComboBox
- tst_QFontDialog
- tst_QFontMetrics
- tst_QFormLayout
- ...
| 411372 |
563 | break;executed 4173176 times by 112 tests: break; Executed by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- ...
| 4173176 |
564 | case LB::CombiningIndirectBreak:executed 2898 times by 4 tests: case LB::CombiningIndirectBreak: Executed by:- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QLabel
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| 2898 |
565 | if (lcls != QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_SP)TRUE | evaluated 2894 times by 4 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QLabel
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| FALSE | evaluated 4 times by 1 test |
| 4-2894 |
566 | goto next_no_cls_update;executed 2894 times by 4 tests: goto next_no_cls_update; Executed by:- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QLabel
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| 2894 |
567 | attributes[pos].lineBreak = true; | - |
568 | break;executed 4 times by 1 test: break; | 4 |
569 | case LB::CombiningProhibitedBreak:executed 82 times by 1 test: case LB::CombiningProhibitedBreak: | 82 |
570 | if (lcls != QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_SP)TRUE | evaluated 82 times by 1 test | FALSE | never evaluated |
| 0-82 |
571 | goto next_no_cls_update;executed 82 times by 1 test: goto next_no_cls_update; | 82 |
572 | break; never executed: break; | 0 |
573 | case LB::ProhibitedBreakAfterHebrewPlusHyphen:executed 65281 times by 26 tests: case LB::ProhibitedBreakAfterHebrewPlusHyphen: Executed by:- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- tst_QGraphicsItem
- tst_QGraphicsProxyWidget
- tst_QInputDialog
- tst_QItemDelegate
- tst_QLineEdit
- tst_QMdiArea
- tst_QMenu
- tst_QMessageBox
- tst_QPlainTextEdit
- tst_QStackedLayout
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextCursor
- tst_QTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QTextEdit
- tst_QTextFormat
- tst_QTextLayout
- tst_QTreeView
- ...
| 65281 |
574 | if (lcls != QUnicodeTables::LineBreak_HL)TRUE | evaluated 65281 times by 26 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- tst_QGraphicsItem
- tst_QGraphicsProxyWidget
- tst_QInputDialog
- tst_QItemDelegate
- tst_QLineEdit
- tst_QMdiArea
- tst_QMenu
- tst_QMessageBox
- tst_QPlainTextEdit
- tst_QStackedLayout
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextCursor
- tst_QTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QTextEdit
- tst_QTextFormat
- tst_QTextLayout
- tst_QTreeView
- ...
| FALSE | never evaluated |
| 0-65281 |
575 | attributes[pos].lineBreak = true;executed 65281 times by 26 tests: attributes[pos].lineBreak = true; Executed by:- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- tst_QGraphicsItem
- tst_QGraphicsProxyWidget
- tst_QInputDialog
- tst_QItemDelegate
- tst_QLineEdit
- tst_QMdiArea
- tst_QMenu
- tst_QMessageBox
- tst_QPlainTextEdit
- tst_QStackedLayout
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextCursor
- tst_QTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QTextEdit
- tst_QTextFormat
- tst_QTextLayout
- tst_QTreeView
- ...
| 65281 |
576 | break;executed 65281 times by 26 tests: break; Executed by:- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- tst_QGraphicsItem
- tst_QGraphicsProxyWidget
- tst_QInputDialog
- tst_QItemDelegate
- tst_QLineEdit
- tst_QMdiArea
- tst_QMenu
- tst_QMessageBox
- tst_QPlainTextEdit
- tst_QStackedLayout
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextCursor
- tst_QTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QTextEdit
- tst_QTextFormat
- tst_QTextLayout
- tst_QTreeView
- ...
| 65281 |
577 | case LB::ProhibitedBreak:executed 246336 times by 56 tests: case LB::ProhibitedBreak: Executed by:- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- tst_QFormLayout
- tst_QGraphicsItem
- tst_QGraphicsProxyWidget
- tst_QGraphicsScene
- tst_QGraphicsView
- tst_QGridLayout
- tst_QHeaderView
- tst_QInputDialog
- tst_QItemDelegate
- tst_QKeySequenceEdit
- tst_QLabel
- ...
| 246336 |
578 | | - |
579 | default: never executed: default: | 0 |
580 | break;executed 246336 times by 56 tests: break; Executed by:- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- tst_QFormLayout
- tst_QGraphicsItem
- tst_QGraphicsProxyWidget
- tst_QGraphicsScene
- tst_QGraphicsView
- tst_QGridLayout
- tst_QHeaderView
- tst_QInputDialog
- tst_QItemDelegate
- tst_QKeySequenceEdit
- tst_QLabel
- ...
| 246336 |
581 | } | - |
582 | | - |
583 | next:code before this statement executed 4569516 times by 113 tests: next: Executed by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- ...
| 4569516 |
584 | cls = ncls; | - |
585 | next_no_cls_update:code before this statement executed 4802846 times by 114 tests: next_no_cls_update: Executed by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
| 4802846 |
586 | lcls = ncls; | - |
587 | }executed 5225275 times by 114 tests: end of block Executed by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
| 5225275 |
588 | | - |
589 | if (Q_UNLIKELY(LB::NS::actionTable[nelast][LB::NS::XX] == LB::NS::Break)) {TRUE | evaluated 151266 times by 68 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- tst_QFontDialog
- tst_QFontMetrics
- tst_QGraphicsItem
- tst_QGraphicsProxyWidget
- tst_QGraphicsView
- ...
| FALSE | evaluated 62561 times by 108 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- ...
| 62561-151266 |
590 | | - |
591 | for (quint32 j = nestart + 1; j < len; ++j)TRUE | evaluated 617611 times by 44 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- tst_QFontDialog
- tst_QGraphicsItem
- tst_QGraphicsProxyWidget
- tst_QGraphicsView
- tst_QGridLayout
- tst_QHeaderView
- tst_QInputDialog
- tst_QItemDelegate
- tst_QItemModel
- tst_QItemView
- tst_QLineEdit
- tst_QListView
- tst_QListWidget
- tst_QMenu
- ...
| FALSE | evaluated 151266 times by 68 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- tst_QFontDialog
- tst_QFontMetrics
- tst_QGraphicsItem
- tst_QGraphicsProxyWidget
- tst_QGraphicsView
- ...
| 151266-617611 |
592 | attributes[j].lineBreak = false;executed 617611 times by 44 tests: attributes[j].lineBreak = false; Executed by:- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- tst_QFontDialog
- tst_QGraphicsItem
- tst_QGraphicsProxyWidget
- tst_QGraphicsView
- tst_QGridLayout
- tst_QHeaderView
- tst_QInputDialog
- tst_QItemDelegate
- tst_QItemModel
- tst_QItemView
- tst_QLineEdit
- tst_QListView
- tst_QListWidget
- tst_QMenu
- ...
| 617611 |
593 | }executed 151266 times by 68 tests: end of block Executed by:- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- tst_QFontDialog
- tst_QFontMetrics
- tst_QGraphicsItem
- tst_QGraphicsProxyWidget
- tst_QGraphicsView
- ...
| 151266 |
594 | | - |
595 | attributes[0].lineBreak = attributes[0].mandatoryBreak = false; | - |
596 | attributes[len].lineBreak = attributes[len].mandatoryBreak = true; | - |
597 | }executed 213827 times by 114 tests: end of block Executed by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
| 213827 |
598 | | - |
599 | | - |
600 | static void getWhiteSpaces(const ushort *string, quint32 len, QCharAttributes *attributes) | - |
601 | { | - |
602 | for (quint32 i = 0; i != len; ++i) {TRUE | evaluated 5204972 times by 113 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
| FALSE | evaluated 207489 times by 113 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
| 207489-5204972 |
603 | uint ucs4 = string[i]; | - |
604 | if (QChar::isHighSurrogate(ucs4) && i + 1 != len) {TRUE | evaluated 3 times by 1 test | FALSE | evaluated 5204969 times by 113 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
TRUE | evaluated 3 times by 1 test | FALSE | never evaluated |
| 0-5204969 |
605 | ushort low = string[i + 1]; | - |
606 | if (QChar::isLowSurrogate(low)) {TRUE | evaluated 3 times by 1 test | FALSE | never evaluated |
| 0-3 |
607 | ucs4 = QChar::surrogateToUcs4(ucs4, low); | - |
608 | ++i; | - |
609 | }executed 3 times by 1 test: end of block | 3 |
610 | }executed 3 times by 1 test: end of block | 3 |
611 | | - |
612 | if (Q_UNLIKELY(QChar::isSpace(ucs4)))TRUE | evaluated 426158 times by 85 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- tst_QFontComboBox
- tst_QFontDialog
- tst_QFontMetrics
- tst_QFormLayout
- ...
| FALSE | evaluated 4778814 times by 113 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
| 426158-4778814 |
613 | attributes[i].whiteSpace = true;executed 426158 times by 85 tests: attributes[i].whiteSpace = true; Executed by:- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- tst_QFontComboBox
- tst_QFontDialog
- tst_QFontMetrics
- tst_QFormLayout
- ...
| 426158 |
614 | }executed 5204972 times by 113 tests: end of block Executed by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
| 5204972 |
615 | }executed 207489 times by 113 tests: end of block Executed by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
| 207489 |
616 | | - |
617 | | - |
618 | Q_CORE_EXPORT void initCharAttributes(const ushort *string, int length, | - |
619 | const ScriptItem *items, int numItems, | - |
620 | QCharAttributes *attributes, CharAttributeOptions options) | - |
621 | { | - |
622 | if (length <= 0)TRUE | evaluated 29 times by 8 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QTabBar
- tst_QTabWidget
- tst_QTextCursor
- tst_QTextLayout
| FALSE | evaluated 216335 times by 114 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
| 29-216335 |
623 | return;executed 29 times by 8 tests: return; Executed by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QTabBar
- tst_QTabWidget
- tst_QTextCursor
- tst_QTextLayout
| 29 |
624 | | - |
625 | if (!(options & DontClearAttributes))TRUE | evaluated 216335 times by 114 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
| FALSE | never evaluated |
| 0-216335 |
626 | ::memset(attributes, 0, (length + 1) * sizeof(QCharAttributes));executed 216335 times by 114 tests: ::memset(attributes, 0, (length + 1) * sizeof(QCharAttributes)); Executed by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
| 216335 |
627 | | - |
628 | if (options & GraphemeBreaks)TRUE | evaluated 207923 times by 114 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
| FALSE | evaluated 8412 times by 3 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| 8412-207923 |
629 | getGraphemeBreaks(string, length, attributes);executed 207923 times by 114 tests: getGraphemeBreaks(string, length, attributes); Executed by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
| 207923 |
630 | if (options & WordBreaks)TRUE | evaluated 1553 times by 3 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| FALSE | evaluated 214782 times by 114 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
| 1553-214782 |
631 | getWordBreaks(string, length, attributes);executed 1553 times by 3 tests: getWordBreaks(string, length, attributes); Executed by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| 1553 |
632 | if (options & SentenceBreaks)TRUE | evaluated 521 times by 2 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
| FALSE | evaluated 215814 times by 114 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
| 521-215814 |
633 | getSentenceBreaks(string, length, attributes);executed 521 times by 2 tests: getSentenceBreaks(string, length, attributes); Executed by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
| 521 |
634 | if (options & LineBreaks)TRUE | evaluated 213827 times by 114 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
| FALSE | evaluated 2508 times by 3 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| 2508-213827 |
635 | getLineBreaks(string, length, attributes);executed 213827 times by 114 tests: getLineBreaks(string, length, attributes); Executed by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
| 213827 |
636 | if (options & WhiteSpaces)TRUE | evaluated 207489 times by 113 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
| FALSE | evaluated 8846 times by 3 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| 8846-207489 |
637 | getWhiteSpaces(string, length, attributes);executed 207489 times by 113 tests: getWhiteSpaces(string, length, attributes); Executed by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
| 207489 |
638 | | - |
639 | if (!qt_initcharattributes_default_algorithm_only) {TRUE | evaluated 207630 times by 114 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
| FALSE | evaluated 8705 times by 1 test |
| 8705-207630 |
640 | if (!items || numItems <= 0)TRUE | never evaluated | FALSE | evaluated 207630 times by 114 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
TRUE | never evaluated | FALSE | evaluated 207630 times by 114 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
| 0-207630 |
641 | return; never executed: return; | 0 |
642 | | - |
643 | QVarLengthArray<HB_ScriptItem, 64> scriptItems; | - |
644 | scriptItems.reserve(numItems); | - |
645 | int start = 0; | - |
646 | HB_Script startScript = script_to_hbscript(items[start].script); | - |
647 | if (Q_UNLIKELY(startScript == HB_Script_Inherited))TRUE | never evaluated | FALSE | evaluated 207630 times by 114 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
| 0-207630 |
648 | startScript = HB_Script_Common; never executed: startScript = HB_Script_Common; | 0 |
649 | for (int i = start + 1; i < numItems; ++i) {TRUE | evaluated 220606 times by 40 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFiledialog
- tst_QFontDatabase
- tst_QFontDialog
- tst_QGlyphRun
- tst_QGraphicsItem
- tst_QGraphicsProxyWidget
- tst_QItemDelegate
- tst_QLabel
- tst_QLineEdit
- tst_QListView
- tst_QMdiArea
- tst_QMdiSubWindow
- tst_QMenu
- tst_QMenuBar
- tst_QMessageBox
- tst_QPlainTextEdit
- tst_QPrinter
- tst_QPushButton
- ...
| FALSE | evaluated 207630 times by 114 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
| 207630-220606 |
650 | HB_Script script = script_to_hbscript(items[i].script); | - |
651 | if (Q_LIKELY(script == startScript || script == HB_Script_Inherited))TRUE | evaluated 220349 times by 39 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFiledialog
- tst_QFontDatabase
- tst_QFontDialog
- tst_QGraphicsItem
- tst_QGraphicsProxyWidget
- tst_QItemDelegate
- tst_QLabel
- tst_QLineEdit
- tst_QListView
- tst_QMdiArea
- tst_QMdiSubWindow
- tst_QMenu
- tst_QMenuBar
- tst_QMessageBox
- tst_QPlainTextEdit
- tst_QPrinter
- tst_QPushButton
- tst_QStackedLayout
- ...
| FALSE | evaluated 257 times by 5 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QGlyphRun
- tst_QLineEdit
- tst_QStaticText
- tst_QTextEdit
| 257-220349 |
652 | continue;executed 220349 times by 39 tests: continue; Executed by:- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFiledialog
- tst_QFontDatabase
- tst_QFontDialog
- tst_QGraphicsItem
- tst_QGraphicsProxyWidget
- tst_QItemDelegate
- tst_QLabel
- tst_QLineEdit
- tst_QListView
- tst_QMdiArea
- tst_QMdiSubWindow
- tst_QMenu
- tst_QMenuBar
- tst_QMessageBox
- tst_QPlainTextEdit
- tst_QPrinter
- tst_QPushButton
- tst_QStackedLayout
- ...
| 220349 |
653 | Q_ASSERT(items[i].position > items[start].position); | - |
654 | HB_ScriptItem item; | - |
655 | item.pos = items[start].position; | - |
656 | item.length = items[i].position - items[start].position; | - |
657 | item.script = startScript; | - |
658 | item.bidiLevel = 0; | - |
659 | scriptItems.append(item); | - |
660 | start = i; | - |
661 | startScript = script; | - |
662 | }executed 257 times by 5 tests: end of block Executed by:- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QGlyphRun
- tst_QLineEdit
- tst_QStaticText
- tst_QTextEdit
| 257 |
663 | if (items[start].position + 1 < length) {TRUE | evaluated 180993 times by 113 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- ...
| FALSE | evaluated 26637 times by 61 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- tst_QFontDialog
- tst_QGlyphRun
- tst_QGraphicsProxyWidget
- tst_QGraphicsView
- tst_QGroupBox
- tst_QHeaderView
- tst_QInputDialog
- tst_QItemDelegate
- tst_QItemModel
- ...
| 26637-180993 |
664 | HB_ScriptItem item; | - |
665 | item.pos = items[start].position; | - |
666 | item.length = length - items[start].position; | - |
667 | item.script = startScript; | - |
668 | item.bidiLevel = 0; | - |
669 | scriptItems.append(item); | - |
670 | }executed 180993 times by 113 tests: end of block Executed by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- ...
| 180993 |
671 | Q_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(QCharAttributes) == sizeof(HB_CharAttributes)); | - |
672 | HB_GetTailoredCharAttributes(string, length, | - |
673 | scriptItems.constData(), scriptItems.size(), | - |
674 | reinterpret_cast<HB_CharAttributes *>(attributes)); | - |
675 | }executed 207630 times by 114 tests: end of block Executed by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
| 207630 |
676 | }executed 216335 times by 114 tests: end of block Executed by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
| 216335 |
677 | | - |
678 | | - |
679 | | - |
680 | | - |
681 | | - |
682 | | - |
683 | | - |
684 | | - |
685 | Q_CORE_EXPORT void initScripts(const ushort *string, int length, uchar *scripts) | - |
686 | { | - |
687 | int sor = 0; | - |
688 | int eor = 0; | - |
689 | uchar script = QChar::Script_Common; | - |
690 | | - |
691 | for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i, eor = i) {TRUE | evaluated 6067506 times by 116 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
| FALSE | evaluated 257027 times by 116 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
| 257027-6067506 |
692 | uint ucs4 = string[i]; | - |
693 | if (QChar::isHighSurrogate(ucs4) && i + 1 < length) {TRUE | evaluated 921 times by 2 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| FALSE | evaluated 6066585 times by 116 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
TRUE | evaluated 893 times by 2 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| FALSE | evaluated 28 times by 1 test |
| 28-6066585 |
694 | ushort low = string[i + 1]; | - |
695 | if (QChar::isLowSurrogate(low)) {TRUE | evaluated 865 times by 2 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| FALSE | evaluated 28 times by 1 test |
| 28-865 |
696 | ucs4 = QChar::surrogateToUcs4(ucs4, low); | - |
697 | ++i; | - |
698 | }executed 865 times by 2 tests: end of block Executed by:- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| 865 |
699 | }executed 893 times by 2 tests: end of block Executed by:- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextLayout
| 893 |
700 | | - |
701 | const QUnicodeTables::Properties *prop = QUnicodeTables::properties(ucs4); | - |
702 | | - |
703 | uchar nscript = prop->script; | - |
704 | | - |
705 | if (Q_LIKELY(nscript == script || nscript <= QChar::Script_Common))TRUE | evaluated 5966042 times by 116 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
| FALSE | evaluated 101464 times by 112 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- ...
| 101464-5966042 |
706 | continue;executed 5966042 times by 116 tests: continue; Executed by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
| 5966042 |
707 | | - |
708 | | - |
709 | if (Q_UNLIKELY(script <= QChar::Script_Common)) {TRUE | evaluated 100737 times by 112 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- ...
| FALSE | evaluated 727 times by 7 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QGlyphRun
- tst_QLineEdit
- tst_QStaticText
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextEdit
- tst_QTextLayout
| 727-100737 |
710 | | - |
711 | | - |
712 | script = nscript; | - |
713 | continue;executed 100737 times by 112 tests: continue; Executed by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- tst_QFiledialog
- ...
| 100737 |
714 | } | - |
715 | | - |
716 | | - |
717 | | - |
718 | | - |
719 | static const int test = (FLAG(QChar::Mark_NonSpacing) | FLAG(QChar::Mark_SpacingCombining) | FLAG(QChar::Mark_Enclosing)); | - |
720 | if (Q_UNLIKELY(FLAG(prop->category) & test))TRUE | evaluated 10 times by 1 test | FALSE | evaluated 717 times by 7 testsEvaluated by:- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QGlyphRun
- tst_QLineEdit
- tst_QStaticText
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextEdit
- tst_QTextLayout
| 10-717 |
721 | continue;executed 10 times by 1 test: continue; | 10 |
722 | | - |
723 | Q_ASSERT(script > QChar::Script_Common); | - |
724 | Q_ASSERT(sor < eor); | - |
725 | ::memset(scripts + sor, script, (eor - sor) * sizeof(uchar)); | - |
726 | sor = eor; | - |
727 | | - |
728 | script = nscript; | - |
729 | }executed 717 times by 7 tests: end of block Executed by:- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QGlyphRun
- tst_QLineEdit
- tst_QStaticText
- tst_QTextBoundaryFinder
- tst_QTextEdit
- tst_QTextLayout
| 717 |
730 | | - |
731 | Q_ASSERT(script >= QChar::Script_Common); | - |
732 | Q_ASSERT(eor == length); | - |
733 | ::memset(scripts + sor, script, (eor - sor) * sizeof(uchar)); | - |
734 | }executed 257027 times by 116 tests: end of block Executed by:- tst_QAbstractButton
- tst_QAbstractItemView
- tst_QAbstractSpinBox
- tst_QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- tst_QAccessibility
- tst_QApplication
- tst_QBoxLayout
- tst_QButtonGroup
- tst_QCalendarWidget
- tst_QCheckBox
- tst_QColorDialog
- tst_QColumnView
- tst_QComboBox
- tst_QCommandLinkButton
- tst_QCompleter
- tst_QComplexText
- tst_QDataWidgetMapper
- tst_QDateTimeEdit
- tst_QDialog
- tst_QDialogButtonBox
- tst_QDockWidget
- tst_QDoubleSpinBox
- tst_QErrorMessage
- tst_QFileDialog2
- tst_QFileSystemModel
- ...
| 257027 |
735 | | - |
736 | } | - |
737 | | - |
738 | QT_END_NAMESPACE | - |
| | |