Function | Condition % | eLOC - Effective Lines of Codeā¾ | McCabe - Cyclomatic Complexity |
QCommonStylePrivate::viewItemLayoutName: | QCommonStylePrivate::viewItemLayout | Prototype: | void QCommonStylePrivate::viewItemLayout(const QStyleOptionViewItem *opt, QRect *checkRect, QRect *pixmapRect, QRect *textRect, bool sizehint) const | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/77) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/widgets/styles/qcommonstyle.cpp | Lines: | 940-1063 |
| | 84 | 21 |
qt_scale_image_argb32_on_argb32_sse2Name: | qt_scale_image_argb32_on_argb32_sse2 | Prototype: | void qt_scale_image_argb32_on_argb32_sse2(uchar *destPixels, int dbpl, const uchar *srcPixels, int sbpl, int srch, const QRectF &targetRect, const QRectF &sourceRect, const QRect &clip, int const_alpha) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/64) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/gui/painting/qdrawhelper_sse2.cpp | Lines: | 472-595 |
| | 83 | 20 |
gray_render_cubicName: | gray_render_cubic | Prototype: | static void gray_render_cubic( PWorker worker, const QT_FT_Vector* control1, const QT_FT_Vector* control2, const QT_FT_Vector* to ) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/57) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/gui/painting/qgrayraster.c | Lines: | 968-1086 |
| | 83 | 19 |
QWidgetTextControl::findNextPrevAnchorName: | QWidgetTextControl::findNextPrevAnchor | Prototype: | bool QWidgetTextControl::findNextPrevAnchor(const QTextCursor &startCursor, bool next, QTextCursor &newAnchor) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/94) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/widgets/widgets/qwidgettextcontrol.cpp | Lines: | 2638-2778 |
| | 83 | 26 |
QTextHtmlParserNode::initializePropertiesName: | QTextHtmlParserNode::initializeProperties | Prototype: | void QTextHtmlParserNode::initializeProperties(const QTextHtmlParserNode *parent, const QTextHtmlParser *parser) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/77) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/gui/text/qtexthtmlparser.cpp | Lines: | 1008-1136 |
| | 83 | 29 |
QPdfEnginePrivate::embedFontName: | QPdfEnginePrivate::embedFont | Prototype: | void QPdfEnginePrivate::embedFont(QFontSubset *font) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/7) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/gui/painting/qpdf.cpp | Lines: | 1538-1648 |
| | 83 | 3 |
QDoubleSpinBoxPrivate::validateAndInterpretName: | QDoubleSpinBoxPrivate::validateAndInterpret | Prototype: | QVariant QDoubleSpinBoxPrivate::validateAndInterpret(QString &input, int &pos, QValidator::State &state) const | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/132) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/widgets/widgets/qspinbox.cpp | Lines: | 1152-1297 |
| | 83 | 29 |
QDateTimeEditPrivate::stepByName: | QDateTimeEditPrivate::stepBy | Prototype: | QDateTime QDateTimeEditPrivate::stepBy(int sectionIndex, int steps, bool test) const | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/105) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/widgets/widgets/qdatetimeedit.cpp | Lines: | 1994-2125 |
| | 83 | 25 |
qDrawEdgeName: | qDrawEdge | Prototype: | void qDrawEdge(QPainter *p, qreal x1, qreal y1, qreal x2, qreal y2, qreal dw1, qreal dw2, QCss::Edge edge, QCss::BorderStyle style, QBrush c) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/91) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/gui/painting/qcssutil.cpp | Lines: | 179-306 |
| | 82 | 33 |
convertPathName: | convertPath | Prototype: | static void convertPath(const QPainterPath &path, QVector<TTF_POINT> *points, QVector<int> *endPoints, qreal ppem) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/51) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/gui/text/qfontsubset.cpp | Lines: | 715-835 |
| | 82 | 13 |
QPainter::drawPixmapName: | QPainter::drawPixmap | Prototype: | void QPainter::drawPixmap(const QRectF &r, const QPixmap &pm, const QRectF &sr) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/85) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/gui/painting/qpainter.cpp | Lines: | 5117-5249 |
| | 82 | 18 |
QNetworkReplyHttpImplPrivate::fetchCacheMetaDataName: | QNetworkReplyHttpImplPrivate::fetchCacheMetaData | Prototype: | QNetworkCacheMetaData QNetworkReplyHttpImplPrivate::fetchCacheMetaData(const QNetworkCacheMetaData &oldMetaData) const | Coverage: | 54.839% (51/93) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/network/access/qnetworkreplyhttpimpl.cpp | Lines: | 1497-1646 |
| | 82 | 21 |
QHeaderViewPrivate::resizeSectionsName: | QHeaderViewPrivate::resizeSections | Prototype: | void QHeaderViewPrivate::resizeSections(QHeaderView::ResizeMode globalMode, bool useGlobalMode) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/80) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/widgets/itemviews/qheaderview.cpp | Lines: | 3217-3344 |
| | 82 | 19 |
QGraphicsScenePrivate::drawSubtreeRecursiveName: | QGraphicsScenePrivate::drawSubtreeRecursive | Prototype: | void QGraphicsScenePrivate::drawSubtreeRecursive(QGraphicsItem *item, QPainter *painter, const QTransform *const viewTransform, QRegion *exposedRegion, QWidget *widget, qreal parentOpacity, const QTransform *const effectTransform) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/108) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicsscene.cpp | Lines: | 4694-4832 |
| | 82 | 25 |
populateFromPatternName: | populateFromPattern | Prototype: | static void populateFromPattern(FcPattern *pattern) | Coverage: | 60.000% (45/75) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/platformsupport/fontdatabases/fontconfig/qfontconfigdatabase.cpp | Lines: | 364-476 |
| | 81 | 22 |
miRegionOpName: | miRegionOp | Prototype: | static void miRegionOp(QRegionPrivate &dest, const QRegionPrivate *reg1, const QRegionPrivate *reg2, OverlapFunc overlapFunc, NonOverlapFunc nonOverlap1Func, NonOverlapFunc nonOverlap2Func) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/93) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/gui/painting/qregion.cpp | Lines: | 2125-2318 |
| | 81 | 25 |
QVariant::canConvertName: | QVariant::canConvert | Prototype: | bool QVariant::canConvert(int targetTypeId) const | Coverage: | 87.037% (188/216) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/corelib/kernel/qvariant.cpp | Lines: | 3032-3181 |
| | 81 | 60 |
QTreeView::moveCursorName: | QTreeView::moveCursor | Prototype: | QModelIndex QTreeView::moveCursor(CursorAction cursorAction, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/116) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/widgets/itemviews/qtreeview.cpp | Lines: | 2190-2344 |
| | 81 | 34 |
QTableView::setSelectionName: | QTableView::setSelection | Prototype: | void QTableView::setSelection(const QRect &rect, QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags command) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/76) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/widgets/itemviews/qtableview.cpp | Lines: | 1829-1930 |
| | 81 | 21 |
QImage::copyName: | QImage::copy | Prototype: | QImage QImage::copy(const QRect& r) const | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/91) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/gui/image/qimage.cpp | Lines: | 1145-1256 |
| | 81 | 25 |
QGL2PaintEngineExPrivate::updateBrushUniformsName: | QGL2PaintEngineExPrivate::updateBrushUniforms | Prototype: | void QGL2PaintEngineExPrivate::updateBrushUniforms() | Coverage: | 10.526% (4/38) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/opengl/gl2paintengineex/qpaintengineex_opengl2.cpp | Lines: | 240-360 |
| | 81 | 11 |
QFontSubset::toTruetypeName: | QFontSubset::toTruetype | Prototype: | QByteArray QFontSubset::toTruetype() const | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/33) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/gui/text/qfontsubset.cpp | Lines: | 1155-1264 |
| | 81 | 10 |
QCommonStyle::hitTestComplexControlName: | QCommonStyle::hitTestComplexControl | Prototype: | QStyle::SubControl QCommonStyle::hitTestComplexControl(ComplexControl cc, const QStyleOptionComplex *opt, const QPoint &pt, const QWidget *widget) const | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/108) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/widgets/styles/qcommonstyle.cpp | Lines: | 3753-3885 |
| | 81 | 33 |
QByteArray::replaceName: | QByteArray::replace | Prototype: | QByteArray &QByteArray::replace(const char *before, int bsize, const char *after, int asize) | Coverage: | 67.416% (60/89) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/corelib/tools/qbytearray.cpp | Lines: | 2083-2196 |
| | 81 | 27 |
QApplicationPrivate::translateRawTouchEventName: | QApplicationPrivate::translateRawTouchEvent | Prototype: | bool QApplicationPrivate::translateRawTouchEvent(QWidget *window, QTouchDevice *device, const QList<QTouchEvent::TouchPoint> &touchPoints, ulong timestamp) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/84) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/widgets/kernel/qapplication.cpp | Lines: | 4396-4536 |
| | 81 | 26 |
qt_xForm_helperName: | qt_xForm_helper | Prototype: | bool qt_xForm_helper(const QTransform &trueMat, int xoffset, int type, int depth, uchar *dptr, int dbpl, int p_inc, int dHeight, const uchar *sptr, int sbpl, int sWidth, int sHeight) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/187) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/gui/image/qimage.cpp | Lines: | 4004-4114 |
| | 80 | 52 |
operator>>Name: | operator>> | Prototype: | QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &s, QBrush &b) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/37) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/gui/painting/qbrush.cpp | Lines: | 1118-1218 |
| | 80 | 11 |
SegmentTree::intersectLinesName: | SegmentTree::intersectLines | Prototype: | void SegmentTree::intersectLines(const QLineF &a, const QLineF &b, QDataBuffer<QIntersection> &intersections) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/82) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/gui/painting/qpathclipper.cpp | Lines: | 383-503 |
| | 80 | 17 |
QXcbKeyboard::handleKeyEventName: | QXcbKeyboard::handleKeyEvent | Prototype: | void QXcbKeyboard::handleKeyEvent(xcb_window_t sourceWindow, QEvent::Type type, xcb_keycode_t code, quint16 state, xcb_timestamp_t time) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/76) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/plugins/platforms/xcb/qxcbkeyboard.cpp | Lines: | 1447-1566 |
| | 80 | 21 |
QXcbClipboard::handleSelectionRequestName: | QXcbClipboard::handleSelectionRequest | Prototype: | void QXcbClipboard::handleSelectionRequest(xcb_selection_request_event_t *req) | Coverage: | 60.606% (40/66) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/plugins/platforms/xcb/qxcbclipboard.cpp | Lines: | 597-718 |
| | 80 | 18 |
QWidget::setParentName: | QWidget::setParent | Prototype: | void QWidget::setParent(QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/144) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/widgets/kernel/qwidget.cpp | Lines: | 10451-10600 |
| | 80 | 32 |
QTriangulator::ComplexToSimple::removeUnwantedEdgesAndConnectName: | QTriangulator::ComplexToSimple::removeUnwantedEdgesAndConnect | Prototype: | template <typename T> void QTriangulator<T>::ComplexToSimple::removeUnwantedEdgesAndConnect() | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/61) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/gui/opengl/qtriangulator.cpp | Lines: | 1450-1587 |
| | 80 | 17 |
QProcessPrivate::startDetachedName: | QProcessPrivate::startDetached | Prototype: | bool QProcessPrivate::startDetached(const QString &program, const QStringList &arguments, const QString &workingDirectory, qint64 *pid) | Coverage: | 25.000% (14/56) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/corelib/io/qprocess_unix.cpp | Lines: | 968-1081 |
| | 80 | 17 |
QOpenGLFunctions_3_3_Core::initializeOpenGLFunctionsName: | QOpenGLFunctions_3_3_Core::initializeOpenGLFunctions | Prototype: | bool QOpenGLFunctions_3_3_Core::initializeOpenGLFunctions() | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/49) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/gui/opengl/qopenglfunctions_3_3_core.cpp | Lines: | 131-245 |
| | 80 | 15 |
QOpenGLFunctions_2_0::initializeOpenGLFunctionsName: | QOpenGLFunctions_2_0::initializeOpenGLFunctions | Prototype: | bool QOpenGLFunctions_2_0::initializeOpenGLFunctions() | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/49) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/gui/opengl/qopenglfunctions_2_0.cpp | Lines: | 132-246 |
| | 80 | 15 |
QImage::transformedName: | QImage::transformed | Prototype: | QImage QImage::transformed(const QTransform &matrix, Qt::TransformationMode mode ) const | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/99) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/gui/image/qimage.cpp | Lines: | 4589-4715 |
| | 80 | 23 |
QHeaderView::paintSectionName: | QHeaderView::paintSection | Prototype: | void QHeaderView::paintSection(QPainter *painter, const QRect &rect, int logicalIndex) const | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/78) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/widgets/itemviews/qheaderview.cpp | Lines: | 2647-2749 |
| | 80 | 22 |
QGuiApplicationPrivate::initName: | QGuiApplicationPrivate::init | Prototype: | void QGuiApplicationPrivate::init() | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/85) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/gui/kernel/qguiapplication.cpp | Lines: | 1275-1436 |
| | 80 | 26 |
QGraphicsScenePrivate::touchEventHandlerName: | QGraphicsScenePrivate::touchEventHandler | Prototype: | void QGraphicsScenePrivate::touchEventHandler(QTouchEvent *sceneTouchEvent) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/70) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicsscene.cpp | Lines: | 5861-5989 |
| | 80 | 22 |
QAccessibleTextWidget::attributesName: | QAccessibleTextWidget::attributes | Prototype: | QString QAccessibleTextWidget::attributes(int offset, int *startOffset, int *endOffset) const | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/93) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/widgets/accessible/qaccessiblewidgets.cpp | Lines: | 711-866 |
| | 80 | 47 |
QXmlSimpleReaderPrivate::parseChoiceSeqName: | QXmlSimpleReaderPrivate::parseChoiceSeq | Prototype: | bool QXmlSimpleReaderPrivate::parseChoiceSeq() | Coverage: | 92.105% (70/76) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/xml/sax/qxml.cpp | Lines: | 6276-6403 |
| | 79 | 28 |
QTextHtmlExporter::emitTableName: | QTextHtmlExporter::emitTable | Prototype: | void QTextHtmlExporter::emitTable(const QTextTable *table) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/75) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/gui/text/qtextdocument.cpp | Lines: | 3016-3140 |
| | 79 | 25 |
QTableView::updateGeometriesName: | QTableView::updateGeometries | Prototype: | void QTableView::updateGeometries() | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/65) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/widgets/itemviews/qtableview.cpp | Lines: | 2089-2202 |
| | 79 | 19 |
QSimplex::setConstraintsName: | QSimplex::setConstraints | Prototype: | bool QSimplex::setConstraints(const QList<QSimplexConstraint *> &newConstraints) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/55) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/widgets/graphicsview/qsimplex_p.cpp | Lines: | 121-295 |
| | 79 | 19 |
QGestureManager::deliverEventsName: | QGestureManager::deliverEvents | Prototype: | void QGestureManager::deliverEvents(const QSet<QGesture *> &gestures, QSet<QGesture *> *undeliveredGestures) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/76) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/widgets/kernel/qgesturemanager.cpp | Lines: | 603-718 |
| | 79 | 25 |
QConfFileSettingsPrivate::syncConfFileName: | QConfFileSettingsPrivate::syncConfFile | Prototype: | void QConfFileSettingsPrivate::syncConfFile(int confFileNo) | Coverage: | 89.888% (80/89) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/corelib/io/qsettings.cpp | Lines: | 1392-1558 |
| | 79 | 23 |
QAbstractItemView::keyPressEventName: | QAbstractItemView::keyPressEvent | Prototype: | void QAbstractItemView::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/119) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/widgets/itemviews/qabstractitemview.cpp | Lines: | 2231-2451 |
| | 79 | 48 |
qt_write_dibName: | qt_write_dib | Prototype: | bool qt_write_dib(QDataStream &s, QImage image) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/62) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/gui/image/qbmphandler.cpp | Lines: | 583-685 |
| | 78 | 18 |
QXmlSimpleReaderPrivate::parseNotationDeclName: | QXmlSimpleReaderPrivate::parseNotationDecl | Prototype: | bool QXmlSimpleReaderPrivate::parseNotationDecl() | Coverage: | 84.000% (63/75) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/xml/sax/qxml.cpp | Lines: | 6133-6268 |
| | 78 | 29 |
QTableView::scrollToName: | QTableView::scrollTo | Prototype: | void QTableView::scrollTo(const QModelIndex &index, ScrollHint hint) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/117) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/widgets/itemviews/qtableview.cpp | Lines: | 2706-2824 |
| | 78 | 29 |
QStyleSheetStyle::titleBarLayoutName: | QStyleSheetStyle::titleBarLayout | Prototype: | QHash<QStyle::SubControl, QRect> QStyleSheetStyle::titleBarLayout(const QWidget *w, const QStyleOptionTitleBar *tb) const | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/70) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/widgets/styles/qstylesheetstyle.cpp | Lines: | 736-841 |
| | 78 | 28 |
QScrollerPrivate::createScrollingSegmentsName: | QScrollerPrivate::createScrollingSegments | Prototype: | void QScrollerPrivate::createScrollingSegments(qreal v, qreal startPos, qreal deltaTime, qreal deltaPos, Qt::Orientation orientation) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/91) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/widgets/util/qscroller.cpp | Lines: | 1247-1388 |
| | 78 | 18 |
QRegularExpressionPrivate::doMatchName: | QRegularExpressionPrivate::doMatch | Prototype: | QRegularExpressionMatchPrivate *QRegularExpressionPrivate::doMatch(const QString &subject, int subjectStart, int subjectLength, int offset, QRegularExpression::MatchType matchType, QRegularExpression::MatchOptions matchOptions, CheckSubjectStringOption checkSubjectStringOption, const QRegularExpressionMatchPrivate *previous) const | Coverage: | 92.647% (63/68) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/corelib/tools/qregularexpression.cpp | Lines: | 1256-1399 |
| | 78 | 16 |
QPainter::drawImageName: | QPainter::drawImage | Prototype: | void QPainter::drawImage(const QRectF &targetRect, const QImage &image, const QRectF &sourceRect, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/74) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/gui/painting/qpainter.cpp | Lines: | 5409-5520 |
| | 78 | 16 |
QOpenGL2PaintEngineExPrivate::updateBrushUniformsName: | QOpenGL2PaintEngineExPrivate::updateBrushUniforms | Prototype: | void QOpenGL2PaintEngineExPrivate::updateBrushUniforms() | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/32) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/gui/opengl/qopenglpaintengine.cpp | Lines: | 293-409 |
| | 78 | 10 |
QHostInfoAgent::fromNameName: | QHostInfoAgent::fromName | Prototype: | QHostInfo QHostInfoAgent::fromName(const QString &hostName) | Coverage: | 71.186% (42/59) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/network/kernel/qhostinfo_unix.cpp | Lines: | 126-311 |
| | 78 | 17 |
QGraphicsItem::sceneEventName: | QGraphicsItem::sceneEvent | Prototype: | bool QGraphicsItem::sceneEvent(QEvent *event) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/108) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicsitem.cpp | Lines: | 6688-6815 |
| | 78 | 39 |
QFtpPI::processReplyName: | QFtpPI::processReply | Prototype: | bool QFtpPI::processReply() | Coverage: | 64.948% (63/97) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/network/access/qftp.cpp | Lines: | 987-1151 |
| | 78 | 32 |
qDrawRoundedCornersName: | qDrawRoundedCorners | Prototype: | void qDrawRoundedCorners(QPainter *p, qreal x1, qreal y1, qreal x2, qreal y2, const QSizeF& r1, const QSizeF& r2, Edge edge, BorderStyle s, QBrush c) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/82) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/gui/painting/qcssutil.cpp | Lines: | 74-176 |
| | 77 | 28 |
QWidgetResizeHandler::keyPressEventName: | QWidgetResizeHandler::keyPressEvent | Prototype: | void QWidgetResizeHandler::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent * e) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/99) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/widgets/widgets/qwidgetresizehandler.cpp | Lines: | 365-486 |
| | 77 | 31 |
QTextEngine::shapeTextWithHarfbuzzName: | QTextEngine::shapeTextWithHarfbuzz | Prototype: | int QTextEngine::shapeTextWithHarfbuzz(const QScriptItem &si, const ushort *string, int itemLength, QFontEngine *fontEngine, const QVector<uint> &itemBoundaries, bool kerningEnabled) const | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/78) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/gui/text/qtextengine.cpp | Lines: | 1331-1444 |
| | 77 | 23 |
QTextEngine::fontEngineName: | QTextEngine::fontEngine | Prototype: | QFontEngine *QTextEngine::fontEngine(const QScriptItem &si, QFixed *ascent, QFixed *descent, QFixed *leading) const | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/92) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/gui/text/qtextengine.cpp | Lines: | 2005-2121 |
| | 77 | 23 |
QPainterPrivate::drawStretchedGradientName: | QPainterPrivate::drawStretchedGradient | Prototype: | void QPainterPrivate::drawStretchedGradient(const QPainterPath &path, DrawOperation op) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/51) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/gui/painting/qpainter.cpp | Lines: | 525-637 |
| | 77 | 15 |
QMatrix4x4::projectedRotateName: | QMatrix4x4::projectedRotate | Prototype: | void QMatrix4x4::projectedRotate(float angle, float x, float y, float z) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/51) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/gui/math3d/qmatrix4x4.cpp | Lines: | 1217-1308 |
| | 77 | 14 |
QIdentityProxyModel::setSourceModelName: | QIdentityProxyModel::setSourceModel | Prototype: | void QIdentityProxyModel::setSourceModel(QAbstractItemModel* newSourceModel) | Coverage: | 100.000% (7/7) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/corelib/itemmodels/qidentityproxymodel.cpp | Lines: | 333-418 |
| | 77 | 3 |
QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::resolveTagName: | QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::resolveTag | Prototype: | void QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::resolveTag() | Coverage: | 77.011% (67/87) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/corelib/xml/qxmlstream.cpp | Lines: | 1564-1666 |
| | 76 | 19 |
QStyleSheetStyle::styleHintName: | QStyleSheetStyle::styleHint | Prototype: | int QStyleSheetStyle::styleHint(StyleHint sh, const QStyleOption *opt, const QWidget *w, QStyleHintReturn *shret) const | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/136) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/widgets/styles/qstylesheetstyle.cpp | Lines: | 5147-5250 |
| | 76 | 55 |
QPlatformBackingStore::toTextureName: | QPlatformBackingStore::toTexture | Prototype: | GLuint QPlatformBackingStore::toTexture(const QRegion &dirtyRegion, QSize *textureSize, TextureFlags *flags) const | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/76) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/gui/painting/qplatformbackingstore.cpp | Lines: | 458-592 |
| | 76 | 26 |
QPdfEnginePrivate::createShadingFunctionName: | QPdfEnginePrivate::createShadingFunction | Prototype: | int QPdfEnginePrivate::createShadingFunction(const QGradient *gradient, int from, int to, bool reflect, bool alpha) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/47) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/gui/painting/qpdf.cpp | Lines: | 1980-2076 |
| | 76 | 15 |
QLocaleData::doubleToStringName: | QLocaleData::doubleToString | Prototype: | QString QLocaleData::doubleToString(const QChar _zero, const QChar plus, const QChar minus, const QChar exponential, const QChar group, const QChar decimal, double d, int precision, DoubleForm form, int width, unsigned flags) | Coverage: | 93.333% (84/90) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/corelib/tools/qlocale.cpp | Lines: | 2749-2872 |
| | 76 | 24 |
QGraphicsItem::setFlagsName: | QGraphicsItem::setFlags | Prototype: | void QGraphicsItem::setFlags(GraphicsItemFlags flags) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/98) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicsitem.cpp | Lines: | 1803-1943 |
| | 76 | 29 |
QApplicationPrivate::isWindowBlockedName: | QApplicationPrivate::isWindowBlocked | Prototype: | bool QApplicationPrivate::isWindowBlocked(QWindow *window, QWindow **blockingWindow) const | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/100) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/widgets/kernel/qapplication.cpp | Lines: | 2494-2610 |
| | 76 | 26 |
QTextDocumentLayoutPrivate::drawListItemName: | QTextDocumentLayoutPrivate::drawListItem | Prototype: | void QTextDocumentLayoutPrivate::drawListItem(const QPointF &offset, QPainter *painter, const QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext &context, const QTextBlock &bl, const QTextCharFormat *selectionFormat) const | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/56) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/gui/text/qtextdocumentlayout.cpp | Lines: | 1380-1499 |
| | 75 | 29 |
QStandardItemModel::dropMimeDataName: | QStandardItemModel::dropMimeData | Prototype: | bool QStandardItemModel::dropMimeData(const QMimeData *data, Qt::DropAction action, int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/58) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/gui/itemmodels/qstandarditemmodel.cpp | Lines: | 3075-3189 |
| | 75 | 18 |
QSortFilterProxyModel::setSourceModelName: | QSortFilterProxyModel::setSourceModel | Prototype: | void QSortFilterProxyModel::setSourceModel(QAbstractItemModel *sourceModel) | Coverage: | 66.667% (4/6) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/corelib/itemmodels/qsortfilterproxymodel.cpp | Lines: | 1751-1865 |
| | 75 | 2 |
QPdfPrintEngine::setPropertyName: | QPdfPrintEngine::setProperty | Prototype: | void QPdfPrintEngine::setProperty(PrintEnginePropertyKey key, const QVariant &value) | Coverage: | 56.790% (46/81) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/printsupport/kernel/qprintengine_pdf.cpp | Lines: | 106-232 |
| | 75 | 38 |
QOpenGLFunctions_4_5_Compatibility::~QOpenGLFunctions_4_5_CompatibilityName: | QOpenGLFunctions_4_5_Compatibility::~QOpenGLFunctions_4_5_Compatibility | Prototype: | QOpenGLFunctions_4_5_Compatibility::~QOpenGLFunctions_4_5_Compatibility() | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/126) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/gui/opengl/qopenglfunctions_4_5_compatibility.cpp | Lines: | 92-194 |
| | 75 | 26 |
QGtkStyle::styleHintName: | QGtkStyle::styleHint | Prototype: | int QGtkStyle::styleHint(StyleHint hint, const QStyleOption *option, const QWidget *widget, QStyleHintReturn *returnData = 0) const | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/91) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/widgets/styles/qgtkstyle.cpp | Lines: | 723-869 |
| | 75 | 41 |
QGraphicsScenePrivate::drawName: | QGraphicsScenePrivate::draw | Prototype: | void QGraphicsScenePrivate::draw(QGraphicsItem *item, QPainter *painter, const QTransform *const viewTransform, const QTransform *const transformPtr, QRegion *exposedRegion, QWidget *widget, qreal opacity, const QTransform *effectTransform, bool wasDirtyParentSceneTransform, bool drawItem) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/86) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/widgets/graphicsview/qgraphicsscene.cpp | Lines: | 4855-4976 |
| | 75 | 25 |
QCompleter::eventFilterName: | QCompleter::eventFilter | Prototype: | bool QCompleter::eventFilter(QObject *o, QEvent *e) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/104) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/widgets/util/qcompleter.cpp | Lines: | 1259-1431 |
| | 75 | 36 |
QOpenGLFunctions_3_2_Core::initializeOpenGLFunctionsName: | QOpenGLFunctions_3_2_Core::initializeOpenGLFunctions | Prototype: | bool QOpenGLFunctions_3_2_Core::initializeOpenGLFunctions() | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/46) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/gui/opengl/qopenglfunctions_3_2_core.cpp | Lines: | 126-232 |
| | 74 | 14 |
QOpenGLFunctions_1_5::initializeOpenGLFunctionsName: | QOpenGLFunctions_1_5::initializeOpenGLFunctions | Prototype: | bool QOpenGLFunctions_1_5::initializeOpenGLFunctions() | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/46) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/gui/opengl/qopenglfunctions_1_5.cpp | Lines: | 126-232 |
| | 74 | 14 |
QMenu::paintEventName: | QMenu::paintEvent | Prototype: | void QMenu::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/32) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/widgets/widgets/qmenu.cpp | Lines: | 2479-2572 |
| | 74 | 10 |
QGLTexture::bindCompressedTexturePVRName: | QGLTexture::bindCompressedTexturePVR | Prototype: | QSize QGLTexture::bindCompressedTexturePVR(const char *buf, int len) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/55) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/opengl/qgl.cpp | Lines: | 5453-5567 |
| | 74 | 18 |
pixelFormatCompatibleWithInternalFormatName: | pixelFormatCompatibleWithInternalFormat | Prototype: | static QOpenGLTexture::PixelFormat pixelFormatCompatibleWithInternalFormat(QOpenGLTexture::TextureFormat internalFormat) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/169) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/gui/opengl/qopengltexture.cpp | Lines: | 472-716 |
| | 73 | 99 |
QTextOdfWriter::writeCharacterFormatName: | QTextOdfWriter::writeCharacterFormat | Prototype: | void QTextOdfWriter::writeCharacterFormat(QXmlStreamWriter &writer, QTextCharFormat format, int formatIndex) const | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/112) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/gui/text/qtextodfwriter.cpp | Lines: | 519-624 |
| | 73 | 43 |
QTextDocument::printName: | QTextDocument::print | Prototype: | void QTextDocument::print(QPagedPaintDevice *printer) const | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/55) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/gui/text/qtextdocument.cpp | Lines: | 1899-2027 |
| | 73 | 13 |
QMenuPrivate::scrollMenuName: | QMenuPrivate::scrollMenu | Prototype: | void QMenuPrivate::scrollMenu(QAction *action, QMenuScroller::ScrollLocation location, bool active) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/98) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/widgets/widgets/qmenu.cpp | Lines: | 854-964 |
| | 73 | 28 |
QMdiSubWindow::eventFilterName: | QMdiSubWindow::eventFilter | Prototype: | bool QMdiSubWindow::eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *event) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/106) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/widgets/widgets/qmdisubwindow.cpp | Lines: | 2682-2786 |
| | 73 | 30 |
QLocalServerPrivate::listenName: | QLocalServerPrivate::listen | Prototype: | bool QLocalServerPrivate::listen(const QString &requestedServerName) | Coverage: | 69.091% (38/55) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/network/socket/qlocalserver_unix.cpp | Lines: | 75-188 |
| | 73 | 18 |
QListView::paintEventName: | QListView::paintEvent | Prototype: | void QListView::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/67) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/widgets/itemviews/qlistview.cpp | Lines: | 953-1064 |
| | 73 | 17 |
QIODevice::readName: | QIODevice::read | Prototype: | qint64 QIODevice::read(char *data, qint64 maxSize) | Coverage: | 95.349% (82/86) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/corelib/io/qiodevice.cpp | Lines: | 770-916 |
| | 73 | 26 |
QFontDatabase::writingSystemNameName: | QFontDatabase::writingSystemName | Prototype: | QString QFontDatabase::writingSystemName(WritingSystem writingSystem) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/71) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/gui/text/qfontdatabase.cpp | Lines: | 2063-2174 |
| | 73 | 36 |
QFile::renameName: | QFile::rename | Prototype: | bool QFile::rename(const QString &newName) | Coverage: | 52.308% (34/65) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/corelib/io/qfile.cpp | Lines: | 546-660 |
| | 73 | 22 |
QCosmeticStroker::drawPathName: | QCosmeticStroker::drawPath | Prototype: | void QCosmeticStroker::drawPath(const QVectorPath &path) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/78) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/gui/painting/qcosmeticstroker.cpp | Lines: | 514-630 |
| | 73 | 17 |
QColorShower::QColorShowerName: | QColorShower::QColorShower | Prototype: | QColorShower::QColorShower(QColorDialog *parent) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/2) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/widgets/dialogs/qcolordialog.cpp | Lines: | 1165-1335 |
| | 73 | 2 |
QColorDialogPrivate::initWidgetsName: | QColorDialogPrivate::initWidgets | Prototype: | void QColorDialogPrivate::initWidgets() | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/12) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/widgets/dialogs/qcolordialog.cpp | Lines: | 1687-1828 |
| | 73 | 3 |
QBasicFontDatabase::addTTFileName: | QBasicFontDatabase::addTTFile | Prototype: | QStringList QBasicFontDatabase::addTTFile(const QByteArray &fontData, const QByteArray &file) | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/61) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/platformsupport/fontdatabases/basic/qbasicfontdatabase.cpp | Lines: | 175-273 |
| | 73 | 20 |
QAbstractScrollAreaPrivate::layoutChildrenName: | QAbstractScrollAreaPrivate::layoutChildren | Prototype: | void QAbstractScrollAreaPrivate::layoutChildren() | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/108) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/widgets/widgets/qabstractscrollarea.cpp | Lines: | 327-522 |
| | 73 | 15 |
qInitDrawhelperFunctionsName: | qInitDrawhelperFunctions | Prototype: | static void qInitDrawhelperFunctions() | Coverage: | 0.000% (0/16) | Absolute File Name: | /home/qt/qt5_coco/qt5/qtbase/src/gui/painting/qdrawhelper.cpp | Lines: | 6344-6540 |
| | 72 | 4 |